Mahala is one of Uknowncountry’s favorite astrologers, and she’s published an exceptional analysis of the coming year.
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2005 14:26:59 -0000 Subject: Planet Alert January/February 2005 Issue
We’re in 2005 already. Where does the time go What’s up for this year The outlook is not very good for the lower dimension Earth. However, we have the choice of how we respond to events. We can respond by focusing on the negativity, or we can respond with joy in our hearts. I prefer to know what is going to happen on the Earth so I can be mentally prepared for the events. We ended 2004 with a major disaster. The positive aspect of this disaster was that it was a great heart opener for people all over the world. I had a dream about that quake on July 23, 2001. My dream was of a huge earthquake. I was in observation mode in the dream so I knew the quake would not be where I live. The dream started out with an earthquake. The first quake that happened wasn’t that bad. ( This refers to the 8.2 quake that happened on December 23). Then a second quake hit and it was huge. It shook the whole world. In my dream I was observing tremendous damage from this quake. I had written down that I must have been by an ocean because there was much water in the dream. I was expecting this earthquake to happen some place in the world.
If I had been paying attention to the planets I would have seen this quake coming because it was so obvious. The Sun was in the Earth sign Capricorn right over Sumatra at the time it happened. Earthquakes always increase when the Sun or a major planet is going through the Earth signs of Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn. It was also a full moon in the water sign of Cancer. There were five planets lined up at Christmas, and they stayed that way for a week. There is tremendous pressure when planets line up at a full moon. Neptune, which rules the ocean, is stationary over the Indonesian Islands.
There was also a meteor shower present at the time of the quake. Some say there was even a meteor that landed in the ocean and caused this quake. This is a possibility because there had been a number of reports relating to fireballs, mysterious lights in the sky, and exploding meteorites turning ‘night into day’ in both Indonesia and China during December.
Coinciding with these events was the December 22nd report that scientists had identified a small asteroid after it had passed Earth orbit. It was below the orbits of some satellites. What happened to that asteroid Did it fall into the ocean Another possible cause of the quake was the Gamma Ray Burst that came in from the galactic center on December 21, 2004. This burst could have activated the underground fault which was triggered when the planets were just right. There were also two volcanic eruptions in India right after the quake. There is also a comet in the heavens that can be seen the whole month of January.
The straits of Malacca, one of the world’s busiest shipping channels, was significantly altered by the quake. The straits which separate Malaysia and the Indonesian island of Sumatra, had its depth cut from 4,060 feet to just 105 feet. This is major because this is a main shipping channel, and some of the ships need more depth than 105 feet to pass through the channel.
The opposite side of the world, which is ruled by Cancer, experienced tremendous snow storms around Christmas that played havoc with transportation. This is the area from the Mississippi River to the East Coast. At the same time the planet Mars was activating southern California and Arizona. They also had tremendous storms. As I am writing this article the planet Mars is starting to cross the United States, Pluto is over the Midwest, and Saturn is over the East Coast.
The 9 point earthquake that just happened was predicted in the Bible. I also published the prediction in my article of March and April 2004. The tidal wave finishes up the 18th chapter of Revelation, and lets us move into the 19th chapter. The 17th and 18th chapters talk about the new Babylon being attacked (New York) and the total fall of the old Babylon (Iraq). Then a stone (asteroid – beam) from heaven falls into the sea and causes a great quake. The Bible says, “Then a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone and threw it into the sea.”
The 19th chapter talks about the return of Christ Beings in white ships. It also talks about a war happening at the time of their return. We still have Korea, Russia, China, and all of their Arab allies to deal with. At the end of the 19th chapter it talks about the down-fall of the controllers. According to the Bible, we still have almost 3 years left to go through the great tribulation which lasts until September of 2007.
The first trumpet was the first world war. The second trumpet was the second world war. The third trumpet was the atomic bomb dropped on Japan. The fourth trumpet was all of the volcanic eruptions that have happened on Earth. The fifth trumpet was when the whole world gathered together to attack Iraq in January of 1991. The sixth trumpet was when we attacked Iraq on March 18, 2003. The 27 year war in the Middle East that Nostradamus talked about started when Iraq attacked Iran in September of 1980. Now the seventh trumpet is about to blow which heralds the awakening of Christ Consciousness on Earth. We have been in the tribulation for a long time.
There are three cycles ending around the same time period. The Kali Yuga cycle gives the ending date of 2010, and the Mayans give the year 2012. We are getting really close to those ending dates.
The Kali Yuga is based on the planet Uranus going through the signs. Between 2003 and 2010 we find Uranus going through the water, ocean, sign of Pisces. Uranus is the planet of change, and there will be many changes in the next few years. In 2010 Uranus moves into Aries, and that brings new beginnings.
This past earthquake is just the beginning of great Earth changes. I believe we will see many earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, storms, and maybe more tsunamis in the coming year. The areas the planets are over is where the events will manifest. Right now the Sun is over the Indonesian Islands and will remain there through February.
For the past year and a half the north node of the moon was moving through Taurus, and the south node Scorpio. One of the things Taurus rules is money and we saw the decline of the American dollar. Scorpio rules the Middle East, and everyone knows about the war in Iraq. Now the north node is in Aries, and the south node Libra. Aries is ruled by mars which will bring fire events like fires, volcanic eruptions, war, and violence. The south node is touching Jupiter. I consider Jupiter the earthquake planet, so quakes will continue all year. The areas most likely to be affected by this placement are Hawaii, Alaska, and the ocean off the West Coast. The other side of the world is Italy, Greece, Egypt and surrounding countries.
With the planet Uranus moving through Pisces, there will continue to be great events in our oceans, particularly the South Pacific. The ice at the poles will continue to melt, which will cause flooding along the coast-lands. It is not a good time to live by the water unless you are on high ground. The Earth is taking a bath.
Unfortunately Jupiter will be making a square to Saturn for the better part of this year. This brings problems with business, and is not a favorable period for initiating changes in business or professional affairs. There will continue to be unemployment or a slow-down in business activity. If you don’t want to be affected by this energy, you will have to create your own reality.
The Chinese new year starts on February 7, and it will be the year of the Rooster. The Rooster likes to flaunt his authority and a lot of trouble can come from his domineering attitude. Since he also symbolizes a good administrator and overseer of justice, the peace will still be kept, hopefully. Politics will adhere to hard-line policies. The diplomatic scene will be dominated by philosophical orators who rave a lot about nothing. Governments will be found flexing their muscles at each other although everyone will be too concerned with themselves, because of the great Earth changes, to care what other people are doing. Big brother will try to control us this year, although I think Mother Earth has other plans. Another event on the agenda is the Earth passing through a dust cloud in space. This dust cloud entered our solar system in August of 2003. I think this dust cloud will black out the Sun, and there will be the 3 days of darkness that has been prophesied for so long. I think this event is the meteor shower Ed Dames talked about on the Art Bell Show. He said “when you see one of our space shuttles going up, and then being forced down by meteor showers, ‘pay attention’ because this is the sign of the end.”
It says in the Bible that not one of the people who have God’s mark on their forehead will be hurt as the world goes through the great tribulation. This mark is your awakened third eye. In 1987 there was a super nova that exploded in the constellation of Pisces that formed an eye is the sky. This explosion caused many people to wake up, and open their third eye. The scientists are expecting the gas in this eye to catch fire this year, and to really glow. We might even be able to see it from Earth. When this eye in the sky glows, we can also start to glow. As above, so below.
In order for your third eye to glow, you need to have nine strands of DNA activated which corresponds to nine chakras. To activate your DNA you have to pass the ninth initiation. We just passed the eighth initiation which was problems in the area of money issues, sexuality, secrecy, integrity, and relationships. It was connected to the sign of Scorpio. Bill Clinton was the actor who led us into the eighth initiation by his affair with Monika.
On 11-11-04, waves of aqua energy started coming to Earth. Now there is an aqua comet in our heavens. This comet is the color of your soul star chakra at the back of your neck, which is considered the eighth chakra. This comet represents graduation from that level. We will now be going through the ninth initiation. The ninth initiation is when you have to face all of your fears, every one of them. There are good actors on the world stage right now that bring fear to the foreground. This will give us the opportunity to look at and release any remaining fears.
The energy of the ninth chakra is C#. This energy is being broadcast to Earth right now, and the color is red/orange. This color activates your endocrine system which connects to all of your nine chakras. Right now there is a filament on the Sun which stretches more than 250,000 miles from end to end. The color of this filament is red/orange. We have the opportunity right now to activate our light bodies. Are you ready, or do you have more fear to release
I send you my blessings.
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