Whitley Strieber begins his series of meditations that utilize crop circles as a means of actually patterning the brain. Click on the image for a larger version of the circle to use during the meditation.
Dreamland Video podcast
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I felt a need to go back and
I felt a need to go back and listen to this one again, since I was so much a part of it, via the ‘Open Doors’ and The Alamo. This was an incredibly strange experience, and I cannot tell you how I began buzzing when I first heard of Whitley’s connection to my own experience in San Antonio. I am sure that it is no coincidence that the image at the top of this page depicts an open door.
It is more important than ever to keep the doors open. They can lead us to a variety of new worlds, and choosing the right one is like the story of The Lady and The Tiger. We must choose wisely, with integrity, intention, and intuition. The choice is given to us each and every day of our lives, and is not locked in stone, since each door leads us to others. We are never lost, unless we choose to be lost…over and over again. This is about self-examination and knowing one’s self and having the courage to go through a door, even one that may seem frightening.
People who stay on that checkerboard, never choosing a door are doomed to be ‘pawns’. That is the only wrong choice.