Ed Conroy is the author of “Report on ‘Communion,'” (Morrow, 1989; Avon, 1990), the result of his year-long investigation into the life, literary work and extraordinary experiences of Whitley Strieber. A fourth-generation native of San Antonio, he is a former arts and culture reporter and urban affairs columnist for the San Antonio Express-News. Educated at California Institute of the Arts– where he began his lifelong study of Chinese martial arts–as well as the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico and the University of Texas at San Antonio, he is a fully bilingual and bicultural witness to the unique cultural and political currents of the US-Mexico borderlands.
He has written, in Spanish, on the UFO phenomenon and crop circle phenomena for Mas Alla de la Ciencia of Barcelona, Spain. For the past 23 years he has served as Director of Development for Southwest School of Art in San Antonio. He is the proud father of Brigid Irene Conroy, recent graduate of Harvard Divinity School. He is at work on an historical novel set in San Antonio, Chihuahua, and Mexico City during the years of the Mexican Revolution. For the past three decades he has been a student of the Builders of the Adytum (www.bota.org).
Ed be happy to respond to correspondence at this email address: econroy53@gmail.com
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Best interview yet! What a gift to have Mr. Conroy go back in history for us and put it all into perspective. Lets have him next week for part two!!
Delighted to know you enjoyed it! Part 2 will be several weeks from now. I am about to have surgery and taking a break. Stay safe!
What a fantastic interview! Can’t wait til Part 2!
Mia, sending good vibes to you for your surgery and quick recovery.
Thank you Tournalinequeen!
I look forward to being on the other side of my surgery and appreciate your good wishes.
Terrific stuff. Thanks for this.
Such a charming guest. Did NOT want this podcast to end. Will watch the May calendar for Part 2. Thanks all around.
Now I’m going to have to dig out Report on Communion from my stash of books in the basement.
Get well soon Mia. Mr Strieber mentioned that you’ve had a spell in hospital.
In good hands.
Thank you so much VON HAUSENBERG.
I had open heart surgery to replace a valve and a maze procedure to stop A-Fib. I was in the hospital for two weeks and just got home. It feels good to be home and the difference is amazing. I have a month to recover before returning to South Dakota to prepare for our next conference. It is an amazing time for us to be living on planet Earth with all the changes ahead.
Stay safe!
Amazon will not sell me a Kindel copy of Communion. Why?