This is the first edition of our new podcast, New Observations with Mia Feroleto. The overall theme of the podcast is expanding consciousness, as the kind of productive, useful contact that we seek grows as consciousness grows. Mia comes to the contact mission not from the UFO community but from the arts community. She is a well-known art advisor, activist and artist who lives in Vermont and South Dakota. She was the creator of ARTWALK NY, now a national event that opens well-known artists’ studios to the public to raise money for the Coalition for the Homeless and other causes. She also created the Consciousness & Contact conference at the Pine Ridge Lakota Sioux Reservation last summer during which Whitley had the extended vision of a parallel reality that he writes about in A New World. Mia is the editor and publisher of New Observations Magazine and the co-creator with Larry and Adelaide Fuss of the Thunderheart Center for the Arts and Conference Center in Wasta, South Dakota.
David Louis has been practicing animal communication for twenty years. He has worked internationally with many different species, bringing healing and harmony to animals and their people. He studied extensively with the founder of the animal communication movement, Penelope Smith. For more information about David’s work, visit his website, www.talktoyouranimals.co
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Hello, Mia! I enjoyed the conversation! I have been in communication with animals most of my life, including the lizards and other critters out in nature. ( a good book that might also help others who wish to learn more is ‘Learning Their Language” by Marta Williams.) I feel that it is so important to have communication with other living beings on this planet, because that is the first step to lead toward an understanding of beings of other worlds and dimensions, and can help dispel fear of them as well. Their cannot be understanding, unless we minimize fear.
Also, without getting too devisive or political, I have to mention that it bothers me greatly that we currently have a leader that has NO relationship to Nature or other living beings at all, and has never even had a beloved pet! I would be interested in your take, and David’s as well on this. ( I also understand a reluctance to do so!)
The collective has created our current situation. It is up to the collective to create a new reality or, as Whitley writes in his new book, “A New World.” It is all up to us. Twenty years ago when David and I first met (18 actually but my animals arrived 22 years ago so I’ll take the average) people had a very different idea about where animals belonged in society. Sure there were people who understood but in two decades we see countless examples of how advanced animals are as sentient beings worthy of our love and respect. I have learned so much from the animals who shared my life about living in the present, letting go of fear and pain and embracing happiness. My most joyous and outlandish moments were spent with my dogs. I was the alpha of our pack and also their camp counselor. The fun never stopped.
It is far easier and more creative to build something new and ignore the old than it is to tear down the old. We can do better.
Thanks for taking the time to comment.
Agreed! Our slow recognition of the consciousness of other beings is returning to our memories from long ago. At one time it was there, then it was lost to all, with the exception of some indigenous cultures. So, we are building anew on the best foundations of our distant past.
A couple of years ago my partner and I were out hiking on an early Spring day. He was exploring off the main path when I came to a large boulder off the side of the main path. It looked inviting and warm, so I leaned in and draped myself over the boulder in the gentle warmth of the sun. After about 5 minutes I opened my eyes and met the gaze of a snake sharing the rock with me. It was only about a foot from my face. We shared the warmth for at least another 5 minutes. He then slowly turned around and slithered off the rock. I felt that moment of magic for the remainder of the day…
That is so amazing! I knew your story was about a snake. Spending time in South Dakota as I do requires mindfulness in terms of reptiles. We all have something to contribute.
So what happened to the dog whose owner in a past life had put him down because he failed at hunting. You set up the story, but was the dog helped in this life?
Hi Mitch,
Jasper lived to the ripe old age of 14. His nickname was My Moose because he weighed 115 pounds. He got sick when Sam came to live with us because he was afraid he was being replaced and no longer useful. I told him his only job was to enjoy his life. He and Sam became best of friends. Sammy died first and there were several times in the weeks right before Jasper’s death that I saw him walking down the upstairs hall next to Jasper. I suspect he was there to welcome Jasper when he transitioned.
I’ve got to say this is not my favorite interview. The interview itself was a bit awkward but when I really lost patience is when he said the sheep were just fine with being slaughtered. Give me a break! Sounds like a confused vegetarian selling out to a meat eating audience. All beings value their lives. NO animal chooses to be slaughtered! I don’t doubt that some people can communicate with animals, but not thinking David is one of them, or maybe he’s lost his way.
Thank you for your comment Tourmaline Queen. The interview being awkward is on me – it was my first. David’s qualifications as an animal communication are widely accepted and endorsed. We all come from a unique place. This part of the conversation has stayed with me too, but not as a criticism of David. The reality is at this moment in time, animals and humans eat animals. It does not need to be that way and perhaps it will change.