The Out There section collects stories about strange events from all over the internet.
Videos and some other stories are graded:
A–Probably true, B–Likely true, C–Likely false, D–Probably false.

Stories are researched by staff before posting and video evaluations are based on experienced observation and video analysis.

Drone sightings spread on the East Coast, force New York airport to shut down, frightens Boston residents

December 26, 2024
CBS New York reported that on December 13, 2024, the New York Stewart International Airport was temporarily shut down due to a drone sighted in the surrounding airspace. It is interesting to note that this airport, located in the Hudson... continued

ABC News crew shares clear video of plasma-like orb

December 14, 2024
ABC news reporter,Toni Yates, and her photojournalist became firsthand eye witnesses to unusual aerial phenomena on December 13, 2024, in Mendham, New Jersey. Yates and her team were covering a news conference about the recent  swarm of anomalous objects appearing... continued

Out There: AI chatbot tells college student to self-harm

December 7, 2024
An article that appeared in The Hill November 19, 2024, described an incident where Google’s AI chatbot Gemini gave a threatening response to a college student, telling him to “please die.” This chilling interaction raises concerns about the ethical and... continued

Orb-like UAP caught on camera by news helicopter

November 28, 2024
  A mysterious orb-like object was captured on camera by a Fox 5 news helicopter flying over the Hudson River and Lower Manhattan. The footage, aired by “Good Day New York,” shows the object moving at remarkable speed, appearing to... continued

Missiles Fail to Affect UFOs in Afghanistan

November 17, 2024
In 2011 a group of anomalous objects was detected on a targeting system at a firebase in Afghanistan. A missile strike was called in and the missile flight impacted the targets, which were not affected in any way. It was... continued

‘Everything is Mystical’: Photo of a Maya Spirit Tweeted by Mexican President AMLO

February 28, 2023
Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador posted a photo on Twitter that purportedly shows a mythical Meso-American woodland spirit perched in a tree, glaring down at the railway worker that took the picture. In Mexico, local engineers are currently in... continued

A New UFO Photo from NASA’s Curiosity Rover on Mars

October 22, 2022
Aside from NASA's solar-powered Ingenuity aircraft, should there be anything flying around the skies of Mars? One of the navigation cameras on board the Mars Curiosity Rover has photographed what appears to be an airborne object streaking past the rover. Taken by Curiosity's Right Navigation Camera on Sol 3613 (October... continued

OUT THERE: Clear Photos of a Daylight Disk over Town in Mexico

September 23, 2022
On August 17 Valle Hermoso resident Juan Manuel Sanchez managed to take a sequence of pictures of a silvery daylight disk that he said was hovering across the street from his property. The disk appeared briefly in front of looming... continued

Strange Object Flies Across S. Carolina Town

July 7, 2021
This one has us stumped. Is it a camouflaged UFO or stealth aircraft or drone? Is it a swarm of insects or birds, a plastic bag, a cloud caught in back wind? Whatever it is, it is certainly a very... continued

UFO Plunges into Sea as Jets Approach

June 17, 2021
This video was published privately on YouTube 10 years ago. Until an subscriber saw a clip of it on Tik-Tok, we were unaware of it. The language being spoken is Slovak. The logo at the bottom of the video... continued