ABC news reporter,Toni Yates, and her photojournalist became firsthand eye witnesses to unusual aerial phenomena on December 13, 2024, in Mendham, New Jersey. Yates and her team were covering a news conference about the recent swarm of anomalous objects appearing in New Jersey skies over the last month or so. So far, there has been no official information regarding the origin or intent of apparent drones and other unexplained objects seen in the skies.
There have been numerous postings on social media of amateur video and photos of purported drones, orbs, and other unidentified objects. The authenticity of such social media posts is often difficult to determine.
The video from Yates and her team is a rarity, in that it is originating from a professional photojournalist working at a major news outlet. For this reason, whatever the object may be, it is unlikely to be a hoax.
Yates and her team captured on video an orb-like object with a plasma-like appearance. Yates herself admitted, “We have no idea what it is, if it’s a natural phenomenon, because it could be.”
She further stated near the end of her report, “This mystery is one that needs to be solved.”
The original ABC video where this clip was taken from is hard to find online, however a clip was posted on X (formerly known as Twitter) by user @GrailWhale.

This ABC video was shared with viewers shortly before NewsNation reported that New Jersey State Senator Jon Bramnick is calling for a state of emergency (limited one) due to the drone situation. The link to the NewsNation video showing the interview was public for a few hours after the video was posted to YouTube. As of the posting of this article, the YouTube link has been made private.
Reddit user @Parking_Local4031saved the video and reposted it. It can be viewed here.
Subscribers, to watch the subscriber version of the video, first log in then click on Dreamland Subscriber-Only Video Podcast link.
ABC video here: