Another among the thousands of UFO observations by credible witnesses. It’s hard to understand why we ignore the UFO phenomenon. There is no question that it’s real. The US government bears a heavy weight of responsibility for the fact that mankind is not gaining the knowledge that would come from proper scientific study of the phenomenon. Were it not for the resistance of the US Air Force, such study would have begun at least fifty years ago. It’s just a damn shame–and they should be damned ashamed, too, and the media, and the scientific community, and the idiot skeptics.

Here’s an excerpt from the pilot’s statement, thanks to MUFON and the Huffington Post:

"As we were coming out the front doors with thousands of fans, I noticed a group of people pointing and staring in the southern sky. I looked up to see what they were watching and saw the following: An extremely bright, pulsating, round white light appeared to be slowly moving north toward the arena. I immediately assumed in was an aircraft on base leg getting ready to make a right turn to land at KFLL. The landing light, or what I thought was a landing light, was extremely bright. Thinking back it really was too bright to be an aircraft but I figured it could be."

Here’s more:

"I approximate the object/orb/light to have been about 1500-2000 feet between the final approach fix NOVAE and PIONN. These GPS fixes are noted on the ILS 10L Approach Plate for KFLL. That would place it approximately 8-10 miles due west of KFLL on the 270 deg radial."

This is from an airline pilot with 34 years of experience and knowledge of the local airport. In this insane world of ours, though, he must remain anonymous. Again, shameful. At least he risked sending a report to MUFON.

Story Source:
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