The photo below is from a video taken a couple of days ago from the cable car in Greenwich in London, and linked here. It does not appear to be a CGI effect, but we cannot be certain about that in this case. It seems unlikely, but it could have been done. If it is real, then it is a sea creature between 40 and 60 feet long with a double dorsal fin. The only such creature ever reported was Giglioli’s Whale, which was observed in 1867 about 1200 miles off the coast of Chile. However, there have never been any repeat observations, and Giglioli’s Whale is not recognized by science.

The greater likelihood of hoax is that it is a large submersible created to look like an unknown sea creature. Because of its size, it would have been a difficult and expensive matter to create it, for what appears to be a single, random use. So this also seems improbable.

Whatever it is, one thing is certainly true: it is a genuine mystery.

The video was contributed to Unknowncountry’s Out There by a reader. If you have a contribution, they are always welcome. Click here.

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