Jim Martin of Newport Beach, CA, captures lots of video of unknowns, mostly from his apartment balcony. Here is what he says about his latest work:
"Filmed on March 18 thru March 26, 2014 from my deck in Newport Beach CA. The video covers 20+ UFO captures filmed during the day and night. We highlighted select clips with digital filters to enhance the images. The video features various kinds of Orbs, Rods, Cigar ufos, a Morphing UFO, an Orb with Forcefield, and a large Swarm of Cigar UFOs filmed over Newport Beach.
"The footage was captured with a Canon 7D camera and Canon Telephoto Lens EF 100-400mm, with 2 extender, and a Sony HX3-NX3 camcorder, with Gen 3 LRS Scout for Night Vision."
There are many insects and birds in his videos, but the objects he concentrates on are unknowns, usually high-flying and fast. These are seen all over the world nowadays, and there are a number of videographers capturing imagery, especially in the US and Australia.What they are is anybody’s guess. Some of the more exotic forms, in particular, look like living creatures of some unknown kind. The high-flying orbs would appear to be classic UFOs. They could also be ultra-fast classified military aircraft flying at the edge of space.
Story Source:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=suC7uSxW3_A Dreamland Video podcast
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