The Out There section collects stories about strange events from all over the internet.
Videos and some other stories are graded:
A–Probably true, B–Likely true, C–Likely false, D–Probably false.

Stories are researched by staff before posting and video evaluations are based on experienced observation and video analysis.

Strange noise and earth movement in FLA. Thanx @IQXS

March 22, 2011
This sound was recorded two nights ago. Now a researcher has found evidence of some sort of underground activity in the area at the time. continued

Bizarre object over Sweden

March 21, 2011
This odd object over Sweden displays no motion at all. Is it a streetlight or a UFO? It's impossible to tell. It could be a very large object if it's actually floating in the sky. Video removed by the poster. I... continued

Video of that Peru UFO

March 20, 2011
An Unknowncountry reader has pointed Out There in the direction of a video of the UFO that appeared over Cuzco. continued

Strange light over Cuzco, Peru

March 20, 2011
Shades of the light over the Dome of the Rock. Not as bright and no video, but could we see the beginning of some kind of a process of acknowledging sacred sites? If so, will a pattern of some kind eventually... continued

Great collection of photos of anomalies

March 19, 2011
WorldUFOPhotos offers a wonderful collection of strange photos, some most likely authentic, but we're not doing any evaluations. To my eye, the strangest one is the floating object on Mars. NASA hasn't commented, of course. continued

Recently release British secret documents reveal amazing 911 UFO story

March 18, 2011

Spooky mothman sighting in Japan in February

March 18, 2011
This is right out of the Mothman Prophecies. Very odd and creepy story from near the Fukushima nuclear plants, about a month before they exploded. continued

Russian saucer recovery…or scene from movie?

March 17, 2011
This video is presented as being somehow related to Wikileaks UFO information, but the connection is never made clear. It could as easily be a clip from a movie as the real thing, but if it is real, it is,... continued

UFO returns to Brooklyn

March 15, 2011
This video was shot by a resident of Williamsburgh, Brooklyn, and is typical of 'blue light' objects seen at night all over the world for years. There is no reason to doubt its authenticity. It is not an FAA approved aircraft... continued

Daylight UFO clip from Japan, 2 hrs before quake.

March 14, 2011