The Out There section collects stories about strange events from all over the internet.
Videos and some other stories are graded:
A–Probably true, B–Likely true, C–Likely false, D–Probably false.

Stories are researched by staff before posting and video evaluations are based on experienced observation and video analysis.

Something flying just above the onrushing Sendai tsunami.

March 14, 2011
This is an interesting one. The object's motion is not that of something using the air for lift. News camera from another world? continued

That Jerusalem UFO: ANOTHER strong video.

March 14, 2011
There was such a concerted effort to debunk the video that appeared over the Dome of the Rock that your Out There editor began to think that it was real. Understand, that doesn't mean I think it's an alien spacecraft.... continued

Another ‘object near the sun’ video, this one from Chinese TV.

March 13, 2011
Your out there editor continues to believe that this is some sort of lensing effect, or sun dogs, caused by the upper atmosphere. But it's an odd phenomenon, made odder by the fact that its new. Hopefully, there's nothing that huge... continued

Fiery object photographed falling over Oswego. Jets then appear.

March 13, 2011
This is probably a meteor, but it could be a US Air Force drone crashing. continued

Interesting Docu on Nazi Flying Saucers.

March 10, 2011
If this is true, then it's quite fascinating. They mention that they have copies of German patents that prove that some very unusual and powerful engines were under development during the time of the Third Reich. Food for thought. continued

Ultra clear daylight UFO footage from Devon.

March 9, 2011
The person who posted this clip says that the footage was shot by an elderly man out walking with his dog. If it is a CGI effect, it's a very good job. It is difficult to get movement like that... continued

UFO shows up in Irkutsk 2 days in a row.

March 9, 2011
This was originally explained away as a meteor. But they don't generally return for a second try, so it has to be an unknown. continued

Pulsing blue light over Ghana is puzzling.

March 9, 2011
This pulsating blue celestial object is not a star. Certainly, it is not a pulsar as one of the YouTube comments suggests. There are no pulsars that can be seen without powerful astronomical telescopes. The object remains a mystery. Graded B. continued

Christie Brinkley: I saw a UFO. Bright lights flew over, then went under the water.

March 9, 2011
Christie Brinkley offers a good description of a UFO, strengthened by multiple-witness accounts and physical movements that are not possible for any known aircraft. For the skeptics, you could claim that what she saw was a burning flock of geese... continued

Bottom line on the object near the sun. Almost certainly not there.

March 8, 2011
Recently we have received numerous photos and videos of apparent objects near the sun. While it is not the mission of Out There to do more than visual grading of videos, Mr. Strieber is concerned that our posts might spread fear... continued