The Out There section collects stories about strange events from all over the internet.
Videos and some other stories are graded:
A–Probably true, B–Likely true, C–Likely false, D–Probably false.

Stories are researched by staff before posting and video evaluations are based on experienced observation and video analysis.

Remarkably clear UFO from West Virginia

February 15, 2011
This object was snapped by accident by an Unknowncountry reader in West Virginia at 4:36 PM on Feburary 8. The circle around it was present in the sky. It was not added later. The sun is setting to the left in... continued

Landed UFO in Argentine

February 14, 2011
Interesting image could easily be hoaxed, so no way to grade it above C. Still, most interesting and our gut says it's real. Graded C. continued

WEIRD Google Street View UFO image.

February 14, 2011
This Google Street View image was sent to us by a German reader. It's quite a shocker. Unless someone at Google is playing games, which is always possible, this is an excellent UFO image. continued

Massive UFO over Pyongyang. NOT a computer graphic.

February 14, 2011
This is not a computer graphic, it is not a plane or a group of small planes, and it is not a constellation or other stars would be visible. A genuine unknown. Graded B. continued

Swarms of UFOs, military aircraft, over central Texas

February 12, 2011
The Texas UFOs continue. Are they some sort of classified military equipment, or is the military just watching them? Since Stephensville 2 years ago, central Texas has been a UFO hotspot. continued

Shape shifting UFO over Moscow

February 12, 2011
No way to evaluate this nighttime video except to say that it looks interesting. continued

Cries in the night. Bigfoot…or some guy out in the woods? Eerie

February 10, 2011
The cries are very faint. They are not the loud crunching noises. The first clearly audible ones start at :30 seconds.  Be prepared to be chilled to the bone by these strange and lonely cries. There is desperation in that... continued

UFOs flashing back and forth over Melbourne, Australia

February 10, 2011

Netherlands UFOs in circular formation

February 10, 2011

Sun pulls a 360! WHA-A-A-T??

February 10, 2011
This is so weird, it's almost beyond even speculating about. If the spot on the screen had moved, that would be one thing. If there was anything in the SOHO system that would cause an effect like this, that would be... continued