The Out There section collects stories about strange events from all over the internet.
Videos and some other stories are graded:
A–Probably true, B–Likely true, C–Likely false, D–Probably false.

Stories are researched by staff before posting and video evaluations are based on experienced observation and video analysis.

New UFO Daily, don’t miss it!

February 10, 2011

Photo of metallic object from window of plane

February 9, 2011

UFO followed by multiple aircraft in New Mexico

February 9, 2011

FAA tracked UFOs over Pennsylvania for hours.

February 9, 2011
This remarkable story is no hoax. On October 24, 2008 between 2:00 AM and 4:30 AM, the FAA tracked 30 to 40 targets that it admits were unknown over Pennsylvania. Graded A. continued

A UC message board user catches a UFO in a real estate ad.

February 8, 2011
The object appears in the photo of the corral, the third of the five photos. We have done a little contrast work with it, and it does not appear to be a bird or a plane. It's unlikely to be... continued

Did recent Utah UFOs cause Dugway military base to close?

February 8, 2011
Dugway closed shortly after these lights apoeared. It could have been a coincidence, and the lights could be something explainable, like flare drops, but they are not bright enough to be flares, and it is strange that the base was... continued

Extreme strangeness in the Russian forest.

February 8, 2011
Of course it could be fake. Probably is. But what if it isn't? Graded C. continued

Object taped over Cheltenham, England

February 3, 2011
Very bizarre object once it comes into focus. As always with night videos, it's impossible to tell much, but if it's authentic, it almost looks like some sort of hyperdimensional object. It could also be a window in a neighbor's... continued

UFO over Lake Travis, Texas. News Footage

February 3, 2011
Interesting video from Texas, shot near Austin. continued

Debunking the Temple Mount UFO debunkers. Controversy rages!

February 3, 2011
One of the most intense controversies in recent UFO history is erupting around the Temple Mount videos. Stay tuned, we will keep you up to date as the story keeps developing. continued