The Out There section collects stories about strange events from all over the internet.
Videos and some other stories are graded:
A–Probably true, B–Likely true, C–Likely false, D–Probably false.

Stories are researched by staff before posting and video evaluations are based on experienced observation and video analysis.

Lights appear above American Forks, Utah

January 28, 2011

Extraordinary UFO video, but the videographer hardly notices!

January 28, 2011
There is no reason to believe that this video is fake, but it is strange that the person making it thought so little fo the incredible UFO outside the plane that he simply panned away from it. For this reason, graded... continued

Triangle UFO shines light on witness from 300 feet uo.

January 28, 2011
This very detailed sighting report includes some unusual observations of sounds. Could many of these triangular objects be ours, such as Whitley Strieber describes in his book the Grays? continued

Numerous UFOs sighted around largest Colombian volcano

January 28, 2011
Hopefully this is not a warning of more intense volcanic activity. However, objects are routinely seen around volcanoes such as Popocatapetl in Mexico, and there is generally no subsequent increase in activity. continued

UFOs return to Mexico City International Airport

January 28, 2011
For years, UFOs were frequent visitors to the Mexico City International Airport, and now Latin American UFO Investigator Scott Corralles reports that they came back in 2010, most recently in the form of a glowing blue object that hovered over the airport and... continued

Did that massive Queensland UFO leave something behind in the air?

January 28, 2011

Unknown objects an ordinary part of shuttle footage. The only thing that’s strange: NASA’s silence.

January 27, 2011
If these are ordinary object, why don't they just say so? Two reasons: first, the are not allowed to propaganize the American public and therefore cannot lie; second, they are not allowed to admit the objects are unknown until the... continued

Orange light over Queensland. Vidoe

January 26, 2011
Could be something unusual, could also be something on a distant hill. Too large to be an airborne lantern. continued

Indonesian Air Force orders inquiry into crop formation found in rice field.

January 24, 2011
Creating a formation such as the one pictured in a rice paddy without breaking the rice stems would probably be impossible. continued

California alien sighting video. Eerie, but is it a viral for a horror flick, or the real deal?

January 24, 2011
This video is very convincing, but it could be a viral for an alien-related horror movie being made of 'found' video like Blair Witch or Paranormal Activity. Graded B for the time being, at least. continued