The Out There section collects stories about strange events from all over the internet.
Videos and some other stories are graded:
A–Probably true, B–Likely true, C–Likely false, D–Probably false.

Stories are researched by staff before posting and video evaluations are based on experienced observation and video analysis.

Myanmar disk sparks fears of UFO invasion.

December 23, 2010

Ryanair flight reports UFO sighting

December 23, 2010

New Zealand UFO records include description of masked aliens.

December 23, 2010
New Zealand has also announced that it cannot explain its UFO files nor will it continue to deal with UFO reports. Is it that governments know too much, or nothing? continued

UFOs and implants. Amazing interview, held secret by the interviewee until after his death.

December 22, 2010
Don't miss this amazing interview continued

Intesting article on ancient ET contact. Did they actually RULE us?

December 22, 2010
This is a well-done article. One thing is clear, our past didn't consist of a slow advance from the stone age to the pinnacle of modern civilization. There were a few detours. More than a few. And we went down some... continued

Simple reflection or bizarre face?

December 19, 2010
This could be a reflection, but then again, maybe not. Certainly the person responsible for the video sounds sincere, and explains that it was made in the forest on a private road with no ambient lighting. continued

Lancaster PA UFO sightings

December 19, 2010

Florida police chief tells Linda Moulton Howe his UFO story.

December 18, 2010

Unknown object shot down over Israeli nuclear plant

December 17, 2010
It has been variously described as a party balloon, an ultralight, and a plane in distress. The Israelis are still searching for its wreckage. But if it's something unknown, will they tell us? continued

Beams of light erupt out of ground in Argentina

December 16, 2010
Another high strangeness event. continued