The Out There section collects stories about strange events from all over the internet.
Videos and some other stories are graded:
A–Probably true, B–Likely true, C–Likely false, D–Probably false.

Stories are researched by staff before posting and video evaluations are based on experienced observation and video analysis.

Fresno California object–plane? UFO?

November 27, 2010
Very strange lights over Fresno, Ca. Graded B. continued

Another unusual object near sun.

November 27, 2010
Strange objects appear in Solar and Heliospheric Observatory videos on a regular basis. The standard explanation is that they are video artifacts. Our specialists are unanimous: this is not a video artifact. But what it is--that's another question. Graded B. continued

UFOs in Vancouver? Not!

November 27, 2010
A good example of a brief CGI clip purporting to be a UFO sighting. Such clips almost always end suddenly, but who, taping such an extraordinary UFO, would just stop after a few seconds--unless, of course, they were not filming... continued

Hovering black triangles a feature of life in Missouri for at least 30 years

November 27, 2010
This story from 1974 is a reminder of just how long black triangles have been sighted, and Missouri has been a hotbed of these reports for three decades. continued

Space junk, meteor or flaming UFO?

November 27, 2010
This spectacular image is most likely a jet contrail illuminated by the sunset, but witness reports state that it was moving very quickly. continued

Interdimensional portal in small Ohio towm? Watch the video.

November 26, 2010
There is no evidence of tampering with this video. Graded B. continued

Witnesses watch hovering UFO and notice movement on the ground.

November 26, 2010

Roswell crash witness tells of seeing wreckage and bodies.

November 26, 2010
Famed UFO researcher Stanton Friedman finds this witness statement credible. The witness was six years old at the time he and his family stumbled on the Roswell crash. continued

Exploding orb over Middletown, California

November 26, 2010
A similar object appeared over Camirillo, California around Thanksgiving for six years in succession during the 1990s. One year, the ball of light was observed to explode. continued

Another strange event in Washington

November 26, 2010
This could be a sighting of a common type of meteor known as a green fireball, but it may also be a genuine unknown, as there is no mention of a tail. continued