The Out There section collects stories about strange events from all over the internet.
Videos and some other stories are graded:
A–Probably true, B–Likely true, C–Likely false, D–Probably false.

Stories are researched by staff before posting and video evaluations are based on experienced observation and video analysis.

One of the greatest of all ghost videos.

November 20, 2010
In that it has been studied by professionals, there is little question about the authenticity of this video. But is the strangely dressed child a ghost--or, simply, a strangely dressed child? Graded A for known authenticity. Graded B for content. continued

Colorado horse mutilations blamed on aliens. Sheriff goes for the official lie.

November 20, 2010
Nobody has ever found any evidence linking any person or predator to these mutilations. So why does law enforcement continue to adhere to the official line that they know to be false? Why protect a government that can't protect us? continued

Objects over Poland. What are they?

November 20, 2010
Fleets of objects like this first appeared over Mexico. Now, many countries see them. They are not balloons or stars, so what are they? This video is graded B. continued

UFOs over London again.

November 20, 2010
Wanstead in London has been a UFO hotspot in recent months, as the large amount of UFO activity in the UK continues. continued

Photos capture unknown light source in Arizona

November 19, 2010

UFO or strange cloud?

November 18, 2010

Is something wrong with the Moon? Look for yourself and see if this guy is right.

November 18, 2010

Explosion off the coast of Brazil. Satellite? UFO? Very bizarre

November 18, 2010
This is quite an airborne display. No way to tell what it was or even where it was taped, although said to be off the coast of Brazil. Not enough information to grade. continued

Halletsville Texas object similar to Stephensville

November 18, 2010

The return of the ‘Dudley Dorito’ in England’s Black Country

November 18, 2010
There is no attirbution for the photograph, therefore no way to evaluate it. It appears to be a video grab. continued