The Out There section collects stories about strange events from all over the internet.
Videos and some other stories are graded:
A–Probably true, B–Likely true, C–Likely false, D–Probably false.

Stories are researched by staff before posting and video evaluations are based on experienced observation and video analysis.

Boomerang at 500 feet over California. CA UFO activity up.

November 18, 2010

Virginia blue light UFO: it was a model plane

November 17, 2010
It seems that the Virginia blue light UFO may be identified. The owner of a model plane that was flying at the time believes that it was his. continued

Oklahoma fireball mystery remains unsolved.

November 17, 2010
This mystery from last summer, like so many, has simply been forgotten, never explained. continued

Unknown object over Fresno

November 17, 2010
This does not appear to be a computer graphic, but there isn't enough detail or unusual movement to determine that it is defnitely not a plane or helicopter in evening skylight. Grade B. continued

Clear photographs of tiny spheres in woods.

November 17, 2010
These photographs are exceptionally clear. The spheres do not appear to be dust particles on the camera lens, or graphics. continued

Dancing lights from Ghana to Texas

November 16, 2010
Ghana, Dublin, Texas. These are similar to the objects that appeared in Stephensville, Texas last year. continued

More strange rockets over Canda

November 16, 2010

Heavy UFO activity in Poland in 2010.

November 16, 2010
Thanks to one of Whitley Strieber's Facebook friends, we are able to post this remarkable list of Polish UFO activity over 2010. continued

San Antonio Texas UFO–Whitley’s hometown is popping!

November 16, 2010
There have been quite a few UFO sightings over Whitley Strieber's hometown in the past month. If the Striebers are there at the moment, they should look up! continued

Excellent UFO photo over Poland on Google Maps

November 16, 2010
This Google Maps photo, noticed accidentally by a user, is a genuine unknown. It appears on the Google Maps website as well as on other sites. There is an aircraft in the picture also, showing that it is not a... continued