The Out There section collects stories about strange events from all over the internet.
Videos and some other stories are graded:
A–Probably true, B–Likely true, C–Likely false, D–Probably false.

Stories are researched by staff before posting and video evaluations are based on experienced observation and video analysis.

Police Report Colorado UFO to FAA. Similar Objects in Utah

October 7, 2014
Three 'shiny' objects observed in Breckenridge, Colorado were reported by local police to the FAA. The objects were not drones or balloons, as they would remain completely stationary for as long as 15 minutes at a time. They would also maneuver to... continued

The Yucatan Coast–Another UFO Sighting

October 7, 2014
There is a rash of UFO sightings along the Yucatan coast at present. The Yucatan has been an area of sightings for many years, and one wonders if the phenomenon might also have influenced the ancient Maya. This sighting was in... continued

UFO Over Hong Kong Protests

October 7, 2014
This is quite an interesting video of something over Hong Kong during one of the protests. Of course nowadays you can never discount a computer graphic, but none of the obvious signatures appear here. At first, the object, with its... continued

San Diego Witness has a Close Encounter with a Triangle

October 4, 2014
A witness got in touch with to describe the low flyover of a triangle UFO in the Hillcrest neighborhood of San Diego last night at approximately 8:15 PM. The object was extremely low and very large. It was a... continued

The House that was There–and then It Wasn’t!

October 3, 2014
Two New Mexico residents were perplexed to see a house trailer standing in a field across from their property one night. The lights were on and everything looked normal. But there was a problem: no house had been there during... continued

Robert Bingham’s June 2014 UFO Summoning Event Had Spectacular Results

October 1, 2014
On June 22 in MacArthur Park in downtown Los Angeles, Robert Bingham held one of his periodic UFO summoning events. This video has been created by Jim Martin, who was present at the event. It contains some spectacular UFO footage,... continued

Mexico Skywatcher Records Another Strange Mass in the Sky

September 29, 2014
Hector Ramirez is one of those people who has a knack for noticing strange things in the sky, and this is the second video we have seen from him taken in Cocoyoc, in Metepec State in Mexico. It's hardly a conventional... continued

Ghost Caught on Surveillance Camera?

September 29, 2014
This is a pretty convincing story. Something is definitely moving in this video. If the police are telling the truth, there is no way that anybody could have entered the area under surveillance without triggering an alarm, so your Out There... continued

A Past Life WOW: Child Remembers His Murderer, Finds His Past Body

September 29, 2014
This story of a Druze boy who, at the age of three, not only remembered who murdered him in a past life but also found his own past body that the murderer had hidden is really something. It comes from... continued

Another Strange Rock found by Curiosity Rover

September 26, 2014
Of course this unusual Mars rock is probably just a trick of light and random erosion, but it is sufficiently regular to allow one to imagine that we might not understand Mars nearly as well as we think we do.... continued