The Out There section collects stories about strange events from all over the internet.
Videos and some other stories are graded:
A–Probably true, B–Likely true, C–Likely false, D–Probably false.

Stories are researched by staff before posting and video evaluations are based on experienced observation and video analysis.

Unknown Object Recorded by Skycam over Newburgh, NY

September 25, 2014
This image was captured by a skywatcher over Newburgh, NY, on September 15. It's an unusual image, and has elements that suggest that it's a CGI effect. And yet the spoken narrative that accompanies it seems entirely sincere. We're including it... continued

Heavy UFO Activity in England–Sure Enough, a HOAX!

September 25, 2014
Why do they do it? Stupid, lying morons. For the skinny on this asinine prank, click here. There are tens of thousands of genuinely unexplained UFO images out there, so why does the troll patrol even bother? But they do,... continued

Spectacular Pennsylvania Report Reaches National TV

August 30, 2014
A Pennsylvania woman had recorded an unknown phenomenon in the sky on August 26. She, her husband and a neighbor observed a complex object that was stationary in the sky for some time. Local police were called, and they also... continued

Witness Reports Gigantic UFO

August 30, 2014
This witness report isn't supported with any imagery, but it is typical of a type of UFO that is seen so often that there is no clear reason to disbelieve it. The witness was fishing at night when the half-mile... continued

The Pennsylvania Gnome–Animated!

August 28, 2014
This short clip animates the Pennsylvania gnome, revealing that it was moving forward, then as soon as its picture was snapped, at once turned around and moved out of frame in a matter of seconds. The sequence is that shot... continued

Canadian News Agency Catches UFO Video

August 15, 2014
A Canadian news agency covering a forest fire inadvertently captured this UFO image. Its angle of attack suggests it could be a meteor, but it if is one, it has a very unusual appearance. Possible unknown. continued

Plane Reports Near Miss With Drone at 18,000 Feet

August 8, 2014
Pilots of an Air Canada flight out of Halifax reported seeing a drone 900 feet from their plane, at an altitude of 18,000 feet. The drone was tubular and had a vertical propeller. No commercially available drone has a radio... continued

Dramatic UFO Photos from Lucknow

August 6, 2014
This could be a simple graphic, or even a common sundog, but given the witness description it also could be a real UFO. It was seen to spin, to maneuver, then to suddenly disappear. We're rating this one a possible... continued

Montreal CSETI Call in a UFO

August 6, 2014
Interesting video. Probably too small to be a balloon with internal lighting, not a plane or bird because of the erratic pattern of movement, not a computer graphic--so, this is a likely unknown object, and what's even more interesting is... continued

Probable Fake UFO over Italy

August 3, 2014
Out There is often asked why we don't point out more hoaxes. This video may or may not be a hoax, but it is almost certainly a collection of balloons floating in the blue skies of Italy and causing a... continued