The Out There section collects stories about strange events from all over the internet.
Videos and some other stories are graded:
A–Probably true, B–Likely true, C–Likely false, D–Probably false.

Stories are researched by staff before posting and video evaluations are based on experienced observation and video analysis.

Russian CCTV Camera UFO Capture

May 12, 2014
Your Out There editor just saw this one, and I'm intrigued. Contrary to a couple of the comments from other viewers, this isn't an insect or a bat. No animal moves like that. And I am fairly sure that it's not... continued

Pro Photographs an Unusual Object over Braddock Bay, NY

May 11, 2014
The National UFO Center reports that professional photographer Jim Montanus of Montanus Photpgraphy photographed an unusual object while taking shots of an incoming storm over Braddock Bay in Greece, New York. He did not see the objects with the naked eye, but... continued

Airline Pilot Observes Large, Pulsating UFO as He Leaves Concert

May 5, 2014
Another among the thousands of UFO observations by credible witnesses. It's hard to understand why we ignore the UFO phenomenon. There is no question that it's real. The US government bears a heavy weight of responsibility for the fact that mankind is... continued

Unusual UFO Baffles Astronomers

May 4, 2014
This is typical of 'slow fall' UFOs. It appears to be a meteor, but it's moving far too slowly. It could be a jet with its contrail foreshortened by the angle at which it is being observed. It could also be something... continued

Want to Win an Alien Hunter Audiobook? Out There Has a Question for You

April 26, 2014
This video is a hoax. How do we know? Well, there are a number of answers to that question, and if you send one of the correct ones to, you'll get a chance to win a free copy of... continued

Military Officers Report Low Flying Triangle

April 24, 2014
Military pilots reported a low-flying triangular UFO flying just 500 feet overhead. It was evening, but there was enough light in the sky for them to observe it in detail. It had no vertical stabilizer and had a row of pulsating... continued

Pilot Photographs High Strangeness UFO

April 24, 2014
An Australian pilot photographed this object from the ground. It is too brightly and evenly lit to be a radio controlled device such as a homebuilt drone. The sighting took place last night in Caloundra along Australia's Sunshine Coast. The... continued

Something Odd in Loch Ness

April 23, 2014
This image from Loch Ness was caught on a satellite camera. Some Loch Ness researchers appear to be convinced that it's Nessie. There's a speculation that it might be a boat, but that seems pretty unlikely, given the fact that it's... continued

Possible Genuine UFO Image

April 19, 2014
If the witness description of this object is accurate, then it must be a genuine unknown. The witness offers a careful description of the movements of the object that would be impossible for a balloon, and adds a detail familiar... continued

UPDATE: A Much Clearer Photo of the Kansas Triangle PLUS more Photos

April 18, 2014
This photo of the unknown aircraft that flew over Kansas City at high altitude last week makes it clear that this isn't a known plane. It's not a stealth bomber because it doesn't have the characteristic jagged trailing edge. While it's... continued