The Out There section collects stories about strange events from all over the internet.
Videos and some other stories are graded:
A–Probably true, B–Likely true, C–Likely false, D–Probably false.

Stories are researched by staff before posting and video evaluations are based on experienced observation and video analysis.

Spectacular Close-Up UFO Event in Florida

March 27, 2014
This remarkable, morphing, multicolored object approached to within a few feet of witnesses in Florida. Shortly thereafter, many planes appeared in the area. For more, go to continued

One of the Great Bermuda Triangle Stories

March 26, 2014
This story is a powerful reminder of just how strange things can get in the skies of Planet Earth. continued

Strange Rocket over Florida

March 17, 2014
Another ghost rocket has been observed by a witness, this time over Florida. Last year, one was photographed in England, and in 2010, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police completed an extensive investigation of one that appeared over Newfoundland. There will,... continued

UFO Falls Out of the Skies

March 13, 2014
A meteor? A crashing secret aircraft? An unknown object in some sort of trouble? One thing that's clear: this is no ordinary jet contrail. Jets emit exhaust evenly. It may be blown by the wind, but it doesn't thicken, then grow thinner... continued

Another triangle UFO racing through the night

March 10, 2014
This triangle UFO was captured as it raced across the deep sky. The videographer comments that it couldn't be birds because when using infrared equipment, as he is doing, flocks of birds flying at night can be mistaken for UFOs.... continued

UFO Summoner Robert Bingham Succeeds in Los Angeles

March 7, 2014
Robert Bingham has been summoning UFOs for years, and on February 14, he did this again in MacArthur Park in Los Angeles. The event was witnessed, taped and photographed by many people. The objects do not appear to be balloons.... continued

Amateur Astronomer Records UFO over Vancouver with 3 Cameras

March 4, 2014
This authentic video was shot at 8:44 PM on Feb 28 over Vancouver by Charles Lamoureux. In his detailed account posted on his YouTube channel, he states, "this bright UFO was not a satellite or anything else as per Heavens... continued

Military Chasing UFOs over Orange County CA

February 28, 2014
A helicopter and a USAF jet have been spotted chasing UFOs in Orange County, California. Want to know why we don't have contact? Simple. We shake our spears at them. As long as we continue to act like primitive tribesmen, they will continue to treat... continued

People Love a Lie: They’re Flocking to See ‘Bigfoot’ Hoaxer Claims He Shot

February 26, 2014
People are pouring in to see the latest 'bigfoot' allegedly shot by Rick Dyer, who says he'll release the scientific evidence "when I'm ready." But not today. Or soon. Or, more probably, ever. Dyer was implicated in a bigfoot hoax in... continued

Now It Can Be Told! UNEDITED Sochi Wolf Video!

February 22, 2014
Heck, this would've been fun, now it's just kinda dull. I want a wolf in my hotel! Now! continued