The Out There section collects stories about strange events from all over the internet.
Videos and some other stories are graded:
A–Probably true, B–Likely true, C–Likely false, D–Probably false.

Stories are researched by staff before posting and video evaluations are based on experienced observation and video analysis.

A miraculous rescue

November 5, 2013
Most Out There stories are about UFOs, bigfoot and other mysteries. It's not often that we get a story of a miracle this extraordinary, and especially in view of the site's last weekender, I thought that it definitely qualifies for... continued

Finally, a high quality sighting amid the rash of quadcopter fakes.

November 5, 2013
Finally, a real sighting. This object was observed and photographed by an amateur astronomer and seen by many thousands of witnesses two nights in a row. It is an authentic unknown for the following reasons: 1, it was seen by many... continued

Very scary–let’s hope this one is fake.

October 27, 2013
This is the first time I have seen a video of anything that looked like this. If it's real, you'd think that most of its life would be, to say the least, inconvenient. But who am I to say, your... continued

UK mom photographs UFO in the pre-dawn hours.

October 26, 2013
A mother feeding her baby at 5:20 AM in the UK spotted a bright light hovering in the sky. When it didn't move off, she took a picture of it, with the result that you see here. Read the full story in... continued

Interesting Russian Cylindrical UFO Video

October 25, 2013
This appears to be a good video from Russia. Interestingly, unlike English-language videos which are monitored by US intelligence agencies, the comments below this one appear to be from normal, open-minded people. We have found that a great number of YouTube trolls... continued

UFO caught on trail camera in Louisiana

October 24, 2013
This is almost certainly an authentic video. It's a reminder of just how much high-level strangeness unfolds in the world around us, that we almost never see. One wonders what might be behind these lights, what sort of mission it... continued

Aeronautical Engineer Takes UFO Photo in England

October 21, 2013
An aeronautical engineer has taken a snapshot showing two clear UFOs over the River Dart in Devon. He had the camera examined and found that there was no dust on the sensor. Nine seconds after the objects appeared, they were... continued

Aeronautical Engineer Photgraphs UFOs

October 19, 2013
Your Out There editor hears that UFO sightings and close encounters are becoming more and more common. There is no reason to doubt this aeronautical engineer's report. continued

A UFO, then a Rumbling Noise

October 19, 2013
Given all the strange noises being heard since early 2012, this story is particularly interesting. A UFO, then a terrifying rumble and localized earthquake. There is no reason to disbelieve this story. Probable unknown with unusual sonic effects. continued

An important new video. One of the best in recent years.

October 18, 2013
This is a remarkable video. One of our photo analysts has looked at it and confirms that it is almost certainly authentic, not a CGI or other effect. Midway into the video something appears below the orb that seems to be... continued