The Out There section collects stories about strange events from all over the internet.
Videos and some other stories are graded:
A–Probably true, B–Likely true, C–Likely false, D–Probably false.

Stories are researched by staff before posting and video evaluations are based on experienced observation and video analysis.

Huge winged creature caught on video in Chile?

October 13, 2013
Your ever-cynical Out There editor would have dismissed this as a bit of debris flying in the wind, but there is the suggestion that it's flapping its tattered wings. Hope nobody gets carried away... continued

UFO videotaped through telescope.

October 11, 2013
This interesting object was videotaped through a telescope at 5:30 in the morning after the witness noticed an unusual looking light in the sky. One YouTuber comments that it's a defocused star. If so, it's a very unusual defocusing. Probable unknown. continued

Large orb over China

October 10, 2013
Unmentioned in the description of this object are two bright orbs moving toward it while blinking on and off in the first few seconds of the video. The object itself is not a sundog and it doesn't look like a... continued

Terrific UFO Photo. Might even be Real.

October 10, 2013
Allegedly two different witnesses photographed this object overhead in Stroud in the UK. It's not near any famous UK UFO hotspots, the nearest one being Warminster 50 miles away. It would be an easy matter to fake this shot, but I'm going with... continued

Chewbaccafoot gets some face time.

October 3, 2013
The bigfoot face that appears in this video was identified months ago as a Chewbacca mask, according to researcher Loren Coleman. A close look does indeed reveal a close resemblance. And the 'dna study' mentioned has also had a checkered... continued

You want strange, you got strange. What in the world is happening in Yucatan??

October 2, 2013
There are fireballs coming down all over the world right now, but this story from the Yucatan goes far beyond the normal report of a flaming meteor speeding across the sky, and, frankly, your Out There editor is just plain... continued

UFOs over Germany shot with night vision equipment? Not so fast…

September 29, 2013
A number of readers have sent us this video of UFOs allegedly shot over Wittenberg, German on September 18. This does not appear to be a video shot using night vision equipment. The simple reason is that the background is too... continued

New Roswell Evidence? The Rumor is true.

September 28, 2013
There have been rumors floating around among UFO investigators for some time that there is some new Roswell evidence. Unknowncountry has confirmed that the substance of the report in the blog linked here is correct, with one exception: CNN has not... continued

Ship appears to be on fire, UFOs overhead. Really?

September 27, 2013
The UFOs in this video could easily be CGI inclusions. Given the usual low resolution, there's basically no way to tell. The ship seems to be having a fire, but whatever happened, it wasn't enough to attract the interest of... continued

Clear daylight UFO from Dusseldorf Airport in Germany

September 26, 2013
This video, taken last April, remains unexplained. It's a good example of a probable unknown. It's moving too fast to be a blimp, it's not close to the camera, and it shows not the slightest evidence of wings or a... continued