The Out There section collects stories about strange events from all over the internet.
Videos and some other stories are graded:
A–Probably true, B–Likely true, C–Likely false, D–Probably false.

Stories are researched by staff before posting and video evaluations are based on experienced observation and video analysis.

Dreamland guest reports UFO sighting in S. Florida

September 26, 2013
Dreamland guests Rob and Trish MacGregor had a UFO sighting in Jupiter, Florida on the night of September 21. They report that the orange-colored orbs they observed did not blink or flicker out, suggesting that they probably weren't candle lanterns.... continued

40th Anniversary of Jimmy Carter’s UFO Report

September 19, 2013
On September 18, 1973, Jimmy Carter reported seeing a UFO. He promised, when elected president, to end the UFO coverup and release the UFO files. He was elected. He didn't release the files and he didn't end the coverup. He's been... continued

Levitating being or group of balloons?

September 19, 2013
This video recalls one of creepier ones, this one from Monterrey, Mexico, taped in 2007. It's been roundly debunked, but actually there has never been a definitive explanation. There are many stories of levitation in the literature. For a good summary of flying... continued

Science Teacher Spots a UFO

September 17, 2013
A science teacher at a school in Minnesota spotted something strange in the sky and managed to snap a photo of it. Unless it's one of the most unusual cloud formations ever photographed, it's a UFO. Good catch! She says, "Was... continued

Listen to the sound of interstellar space!

September 14, 2013
Listen to the sound of Voyager's radio return as it leaves the influence of the sun and enters interstellar space. Voyager is the first reported manmade object to go beyond the solar system. It took 30 years! continued

TV Station’s Towercam Captures UFO

September 12, 2013
This is a typical blinking night light. It appears to be triangular in shape, or three objects close together. The lighting pattern is not typical of aircraft, although it could be some sort of a blimp at great distance. Probable unknown. continued

That Baseball Stadium UFO–Publicity Stunt or Not?

September 11, 2013
A local science museum is claiming responsibility for the UFO that appeared during a baseball game two nights in a row this week. So far, they have not released any photos of the object on the ground. Until they actually... continued

UFO at a baseball game?

September 9, 2013
This object was in the sky, not a CGI effect, but is it a UFO or a radio controlled blimp designed to appear to be a UFO? Frankly, without being able to gauge its size, I cannot come to a conclusion.... continued

UK UFO…or high-flying balloon?

September 6, 2013
Recently a UFO photographed over Phoenix was found to be a high flying NASA research balloon. This looks like something similar, but has nothing of the appearance of the NASA balloon. Could it be an amateur effort to create a UFO,... continued

Good video of triangle UFO over Melbourne

September 3, 2013
This witness has a good camera setup and gets a lot of footage of unknowns as a result. While there is more activity is some places than in others, setting up an automatic sky recording system will result in at... continued