The Out There section collects stories about strange events from all over the internet.
Videos and some other stories are graded:
A–Probably true, B–Likely true, C–Likely false, D–Probably false.

Stories are researched by staff before posting and video evaluations are based on experienced observation and video analysis.

UK doctor snaps a most unusual shot of the moon…or something near it.

June 15, 2013
Sussex resident John Raymond snapped this shot of a strange object when he was taking a picture of the full moon. For Dr. Who fans, it bears a curious resemblance to the Tardis, Dr. Who's time machine. continued

Unusual video from Belfast

June 15, 2013
This video taken over Lough in Northern Ireland displays a well documented but infrequently recorded characteristic, which is that the UFO will react to the observer, as if it is well aware that it is being watched. continued

Chinese airliner collides with unknown object at 26,000 feet.

June 10, 2013
On June 4th, Air China flight CA4307 had a mid-air collision with a foreign object that left a significant dent in the plane's nose. After the pilots reported performance problems, the plane returned to Guangzhou, where the flight had originated.... continued

A number of aircraft-UFO near misses near Gatwick Airport

June 10, 2013
The pilots of three planes in the process of landing at Gatwick Airport in the UK on 30 December 2012, reported seeing two discs hovering above the airport. The first was the pilot of a Boeing 777, who reported spotting... continued

Good example of a simple hoax: the Popocatepetl UFO

June 7, 2013
This video of a UFO supposedly racing past the Popocatepetl Volcano near Mexico City has been viralizing around the internet lately. It purports to show a UFO racing toward the ominously smoking Popo crater, then flying into it. What it... continued

Minnesota Object Similar to 1947 Sighting

June 3, 2013
This object remained stationary in the sky for some time according to the witness who photographed it. For this reason, it probably isn't a fragment of a high-altitude contrail. The story sourced here comments that it would appear to be similar... continued

That Mars Rodent–What’s the Real Scoop

May 31, 2013
We've hesitated to post about the recent 'Mars Rodent' photo from the Curiosity Rover, largely because a place with such a thin atmosphere, no food sources and extremely cold temperatures is just darned unlikely to have mice. However, the image... continued

Priest’s firsthand account of one of the best ever UFO encounters.

May 29, 2013
Your Out There editor was stunned to find this interview with Fr. William Gill, who, along with 37 other people, witnessed a UFO for hours in Papua-New Guinea in 1959. This is one of the great all-time classic UFO stories, highly credible,... continued

Clear UFO photo over San Diego ghost barn.

May 25, 2013
Historian Ellen Henry photographed a UFO over a well known local paranormal site, the Santee Edgemoore Barn, which is well known locally for ghost encounters. The object appears to be metallic, and does not show any indications of being a plane,... continued

Orbs at Atlas rocket launch today. UPDATE: More witnesses.

May 25, 2013
This just in from an Unknowncountry reader: Today a Delta 4 rocket lifted off from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station. I’ve seen hundreds of launches. Initially what I thought was a stage separation turned out to be something a little... continued