The Out There section collects stories about strange events from all over the internet.
Videos and some other stories are graded:
A–Probably true, B–Likely true, C–Likely false, D–Probably false.

Stories are researched by staff before posting and video evaluations are based on experienced observation and video analysis.

High speed orb passes near plane in Australia

May 24, 2013
This video was made on May 15 by a sharp-eyed skywatcher in Melbourne. The object is moving too fast to be a bird, a radio-controlled model plane or a balloon. Brad Morris says of his video, "This shows what really... continued

ANOTHER long-duration UFO observation

May 24, 2013
A Pennsylvania couple reported to MUFON that they observed a diamond shaped UFO for about an hour at about 12:30 AM on May 20. "I got a pair of binoculars to get a better look," the reporting witness told MUFON .... continued

Unidentified object hovers over Fresno for hours

May 16, 2013
This object hovered over Fresno California for hours today, remaining motionless despite 10-15 MPH winds in the area. It is not a balloon, parachute, parasail, or ultralight because it was unaffected by these winds. It is probably not a kite... continued

Argentine UFO video intriguing

May 16, 2013
At first, this video from Argentina appeared to be a meteor breaking up. However, the final clip suggests that it is some form of unknown formation, as it flies low over a nearby hillside. continued

Montenegro photojournalist captures photo of UFO similar to Stephensville, Tx UFOs

May 16, 2013
The object pictured here and reported by Open Minds appeared over Montenegro above Montenegro’s capital city of Podgorica in southern Europe on Thursday, May 9. The sighting took place at approximately 9:00 pm and was seen by several editors of Vijesti... continued

Fastwalker over the UK

May 10, 2013
This is a typical example of a high-flying fastwalker moving across the sky. Sometimes YouTube hoaxers will video a satellite, then alter the speed of the video. It does not appear to have happened here. The creator of this video... continued

Israeli UFO bears striking resemblance to Irish object

May 5, 2013
This UFO, taped in Israel on April 28 bears a resemblance to one taped in Ireland last December. this could be because the light sources are similar in intensity, but a close look at the unzoomed imagery suggests a subtle... continued

The same triangle UFO seen by witnesses 1,200 miles apart.

May 5, 2013
Two witnesses have separately filed reports with MUFON that suggest that they saw the same or very similar triangle UFOs 1,200 miles apart on April 27, 2013. The reports were two hours apart, the first in Tennessee and the second... continued

Irish video shows police chopper close to UFO

May 3, 2013
One of our video experts says of this video, "I have no opinion about this, but it doesn't feel obviously faked." The video shows an object that is maneuvering near a helicopter over an unidentified Irish village. The helicopter and... continued

Close encounter with a large orb in Punjab

April 30, 2013
We have received this report from a UC reader in the Punjab. It appears to be an orb sighting, but as the witness points out, it could be something else. Your thoughts and reports are welcome in the comments section below.... continued