The Out There section collects stories about strange events from all over the internet.
Videos and some other stories are graded:
A–Probably true, B–Likely true, C–Likely false, D–Probably false.

Stories are researched by staff before posting and video evaluations are based on experienced observation and video analysis.

Perth photographer captures hundreds of UFO photos in one session.

April 29, 2013
A photographer in Perth, Australia has joined the growing number of people who have discovered that taking an interest in UFOs results in a response. After getting a new camera and watching the skies, he has taken what appear to be... continued

Sighting in Seattle yesterday evening and a possible explanation.

April 28, 2013
Unknowncountry received this well described witness report of what seems clearly to have been an unknown object over Seattle at 5:30 PM on April 26. "Details of Encounter: I was on my deck and witnessed a ball of light rising into... continued

Provocative interview with early UFO contactee George van Tassel

April 28, 2013
George van Tassel was an early contactee who believed that he had received technical information about UFO propulsion. Using this information as the basis for his plans, he built a structure now called the Integratron in the Mojave Desert. He was... continued

Provocative interview with early UFO contactee George van Tassel

April 28, 2013
George van Tassel was an early contactee who believed that he had received technical information about UFO propulsion. Using this information as the basis for his plans, he built a structure now called the Integratron in the Mojave Desert. He was... continued

As UFO activity increases, more people become ‘frequent sighters.’

April 28, 2013
The story sourced here from Australia describes a witness who saw her first UFO in 1997, and has since seen many. The belief among close encounter witnesses has been, 'if you notice UFOs, they will notice you,' but it could... continued

The Robbert van den Broeke case–his family adds their witness

April 22, 2013
The story of Robbert van den Broeke is one of the great enigmas of paranormal research. A great deal of the phenomena he reports, often leaving strong evidence in the form of crop formations near his home in Holland, photographs,... continued

Good UFO video from Arizona

April 20, 2013
This UFO video from Arizona appears to be a triangle UFO, with which Out There readers are very familiar. Of course, it could be a delta winged aircraft of some sort. It's hard to see until the third version of the... continued

If you notice them, they notice you…

April 19, 2013
A skywatcher in New South Wales seems to be getting watched back by the objects he is seeing. Alf Preston of New South Wales reports that he has been seeing UFOs, most recently while observing Venus through his telescope. For once,... continued

That Spectacular Irish UFO video: Our experts weigh in.

April 18, 2013
Our first expert has said the following: The tracking miss at 1:32 bothers me. This looks poorly tracked where as the rest is very acceptable. Not sure but I think it is a fake. Our second expert says this: What... continued

Australian amateur astronomer gets UFO video

April 17, 2013
An Australian amateur astronomer with a good camera caught this image of an unusual object he videotaped in the night sky outside of his home in Karoonda, Australia on April 9 at about 9:30 PM. The object is in focus... continued