The Out There section collects stories about strange events from all over the internet.
Videos and some other stories are graded:
A–Probably true, B–Likely true, C–Likely false, D–Probably false.

Stories are researched by staff before posting and video evaluations are based on experienced observation and video analysis.

Probable unknown over Rhode Island, daylight video

December 17, 2012
The object in this video first becomes easily visible approximately 50 seconds into the video. As the videographer speculates, it could be a string of balloons, but if so, then the winds aloft are very light. And yet the jet... continued

Sri Lanka UFOs panic locals.

December 14, 2012
There is UFO activity worldwide. This is from Sri Lanka. continued

Strange lights reappear over Brooklyn

December 14, 2012
Brooklyn in the past few years has been the source of frequent UFO sightings, and now they appear to be back. Once again, lights in the sky prove little, but the way that these were acting caused quite a bit... continued

Reporter in UK witnesses triangle craft.

December 14, 2012
It's not often that a reporter not only witnesses a UFO but files a report on it. From his paper, the Economic Voice:  “We were travelling back home from a family meal in Brecon in the dark when my youngest... continued

Object drips material toward ground. One of a number of reports.

December 14, 2012
We have recently received a number of reports in our report file of objects dripping material from them. continued

Wave of unknowns over Melbourne

December 14, 2012
These waves of unknown objects can be recorded in the infrared almost anywhere. But what are they? They are not moving like birds, because the are generally all in parallel motion, like these. They cannot be planes. We would be most... continued

Are aliens about to be revealed? What can this video mean?

December 9, 2012
What in the world can this clip from Sky News mean? Is it a hoax? An accidental release? We'll be keeping our eyes and ears open. continued

Another Michigan UFO Sighting

December 9, 2012
Over the past few days, there have been a large number of UFO sightings reported from around the world, including the US, and in the United States, there have been numerous mystery booms. The video in this report could be... continued

UFO caught on surveillance camera in Bulgaria

December 6, 2012
Normally, surveillance cameras catch dust particles, insects and night birds that are mistaken for UFOs. This, however, does not appear to be any of those things. There is a reasonable possibility that this is a genuine unknown. continued

High Strangeness on Upper Narragansett Bay

December 5, 2012
We just published a story about a loud boom, lights descending into Narragansett Bay and nothing being found. Incredibly, as the story sourced here shows, the same thing happened there on October 25. What is going on?? continued