The Out There section collects stories about strange events from all over the internet.
Videos and some other stories are graded:
A–Probably true, B–Likely true, C–Likely false, D–Probably false.

Stories are researched by staff before posting and video evaluations are based on experienced observation and video analysis.

Rhode Island UFO enters Narragansett Bay with explosive sound.

December 5, 2012
Unknown lights entered Narragansett Bay in Rhode Island accompanied by a loud explosion. Rescuers found nothing in the bay. This is reminiscent of the Shag Harbor UFO Incident that took place in Canada in 1967. continued

Close encounter witness Buck Stabler found dead

December 5, 2012
In October of 1988, Buck Stabler had a bizarre and terrifying experience of apparent alien abduction, which he reported to authorities and which was extensively covered in the media. The result was predictable: his life was ruined. And now he has... continued

Flood of Triangle UFO reports in November.

December 5, 2012
November yielded 86 triangle UFO reports in the United States. In a normal month, ten or fifteen are reported. These have been dismissed as secret US aircraft for years, but they have been reported since long before such exotic airframes... continued

Strong minidocumentary on the 2007-2009 Turkish UFO case.

December 4, 2012
This is an excellent mini-documentary on one of the world's best documented and extensive UFO cases, the Turkish case that unfolded between 2007 and 2009. It has been little covered in American media, so please spread the word! You can find... continued

Kentucky UFO activity continues.

November 30, 2012
Recently the Out There section published a striking video from an astronomer in Kentucky. (Click on Kentucky UFO in the subject cloud to see it.) UFO activity in the state and the whole region remains at a high level. continued

Princeton Indiana UFO photos–very striking.

November 30, 2012
The objects in the photograph shown in this news story were seen not just in Princeton, Indiana, but all over the region. They did not behave like any known object, so they are certainly classifiable as UFOs. Editor's Note: I've... continued

Fireball ‘bright as moon’ seen in California, Nevada

November 25, 2012
The descriptions of this event suggest that it was a large meteor breaking up over the region on the night of November 24. The Leonid Meteor Shower took place between November 17 and 20, but the shower was exceptionally weak... continued

Interesting infrared video from Australia

November 21, 2012
Infrared video readily records birds, insects and even the smallest meteors. However, this video shows objects at altitude moving in a very steady formation. We have been unable to find any species of high-flying bird that might fly like this,... continued

Houston witness sees object emitting smaller lights.

November 21, 2012
This witness account describes a large object hovering and emitting smaller objects. This was also a feature of the Camarillo UFO that appeared for six years between 1996 and 2002 over Camarillo, California. continued

The Lake Eerie UFO Case: an Outstanding Report

November 20, 2012
It's not often that a UFO case gets such expert treatment as is seen here in Wes Penre's deeply researched and careful analysis of the Michael Lee Hill Lake Eerie UFO case. Noteworthy is the fact that a documentary that was... continued