The Out There section collects stories about strange events from all over the internet.
Videos and some other stories are graded:
A–Probably true, B–Likely true, C–Likely false, D–Probably false.

Stories are researched by staff before posting and video evaluations are based on experienced observation and video analysis.

Low-flying UFO reports from 5 states over an 11 hour period.

November 19, 2012
Eight reports over five states in eleven hours potentially represents the beginning of a significant flap. We'll be watching the skies. continued

UFO report from Azerbaijan

November 12, 2012
Many UFO reports come from Azerbaijan, but they are rarely mentioned in the west. Unfortunately, the video associated with this report is not available, but the report, if accurate, clearly identifies an unknown object. Russian missile tests are sometimes visible... continued

Object interacting with sun, or video dropout.

November 9, 2012
Every video expert I send these images to dismisses them as video artifacts until I ask why. Then they say that's what NASA says they are. Frankly, I am having trouble believing that an image such as the one that appears... continued

Recurring UFO over Denver?

November 9, 2012
A Denver man has offered video to a local TV station, claiming that it shows a UFO which he tapes every few days as it moves over the city between noon and 1 pm. The man has provided video which... continued

Hundreds of UFOs spook soldiers along India-Tibet border.

November 3, 2012
There is no reason to disbelieve this story reported by India today, the Hindustan Times and other sources. Apparently a large number of glowing orbs have been seen in this isolated area by border guards, starting in August and continuing... continued

UFOs off Myrtle Beach?

November 1, 2012
Myrtle Beach has been a UFO hotspot for a couple of months. In the news story sourced above, a Coast Guard officer theorizes that the objects in the video shown here might have been flares. They certainly seem to burn out... continued

Excellent article on the paranormal radio broadcasts of th 1970s

October 31, 2012
Scott Corrales is one of Latin Americia's leading UFO and paranormal researchers, and this article on the wave of mysterious transmissions that took place in the 1970s is excellent and important. It is all to easy to see high strangeness only in... continued

Rectangular object seen over Michigan.

October 29, 2012
A witness reports that he observed a rectangular object over Wyoming Michigan on October 24. It appeared to be moving at about the speed of a small plane, and the witness estimated its altitude at 800 to 1000 feet. It... continued

Large object enters volcano. Remarkable video.

October 28, 2012
This video was brought to our attention by Mexican UFO expert Jaime Maussan, and it is remarkable. There is no suggestion of hoax in this video taken by a webcam that watches the Popocatepetl volcano. The volcano has been active lately,... continued

Southern Illinois multiple witness, multiple town sighting

October 25, 2012
This news report confirms that the sighting wave that has been taking place across the central United States is continuing. The multiple witnesses and extensive area they are reporting from strongly suggests a genuine unknown is being seen. continued