The Out There section collects stories about strange events from all over the internet.
Videos and some other stories are graded:
A–Probably true, B–Likely true, C–Likely false, D–Probably false.

Stories are researched by staff before posting and video evaluations are based on experienced observation and video analysis.

Kentucky amateur astronomer takes excellent UFO photo.

October 23, 2012
This is obviously a genuine story. There is no question of hoax here. As to what the object the astronomer photographed could be, that is an entirely different question. He offers the comment that it must be of earthly origin, but there... continued

UFO over Arlington, Texas?

October 23, 2012
The zoom feature on the camera that took this video could be distorting the shape of a plane, but the voices in the background suggest that witnesses were seeing something they found unusual. To the naked eye, a plane probably would... continued

Interesting sighting narrative from Colorado

October 23, 2012
There is no photo or video associated with this account, but it's an interesting one and worth considering. That said, remember, this is the internet. Maybe there is no nurse. Maybe this is simply a work of fiction. One thing... continued

Massachusetts mass sighting a hoax.

October 22, 2012
An alert Unknowncountry fan has very decisively proved that the Massachusetts 'mass sighting' video is a hoax. The video linked at 'Story Source" below, allegedly made in Hawaii in 2011, is virtually identical. In fact, it is the same video.... continued

UFO hovers over West Virigina town for hours.

October 21, 2012
This could be a balloon, but the fact that jets came up to investigate strongly suggests otherwise. The US Air Force often investigates UFO activity, as was proven when MUFON investigators obtained documents about USAF activities over Stephenville, Texas during the UFO flap... continued

UFO hovers over Scottish home for hours.

October 21, 2012
This object is displaying unusual lights, but it really could be anything, even something launched by a hoaxer. Nevertheless, the video is a good one, and the possibility that we are looking at a genuine unknown must be seriously considered. continued

Strange cloud formation, then a fall of dead birds.

October 21, 2012
Looking at this, one has to wonder if some sort of weather-related weapon or system is involved. During this year of extremely strange weather in the UK, it would not be too surprising if some effort was being made to... continued

Expert analysis says it wasn’t a bird, it wasn’t a plane, it was metallic and it didn’t have wings…so what was it?

October 19, 2012
This photograph, taken by accident in New South Wales, shows a wingless, metallic object that was moving so fast that it was visible in only one of two snapshots taken seconds apart. It's not a plane, a bug or a bird,... continued

Very unusual and compelling bigfoot video.

October 14, 2012
Is this bigfoot? As always, a hoax is possible, but this footage could be the best shot of the face of a bigfoot ever made. More work needs to be done, such as determining whether or not the facial proportions... continued

UFO briefly closes Israeli airspace.

October 13, 2012
US drone, Iranian spyplane--both unlikely possibilities. Israeli air defense would have been able to recognize either one immediately. So what was it? It's unlikely we'll ever be told, but we do know that they identified it as non-threatening within minutes... continued