The Out There section collects stories about strange events from all over the internet.
Videos and some other stories are graded:
A–Probably true, B–Likely true, C–Likely false, D–Probably false.

Stories are researched by staff before posting and video evaluations are based on experienced observation and video analysis.

Unknowncountry readers experience ultra close encounter with triangle craft.

October 11, 2012
Two Wisconsin Unknowncountry readers filed this report of a close encounter with a triangle UFO on the night of October 7. Date of Sighting/Encounter: October 7, 2012 Time of Sighting/Encounter: 8:20 P.M. Location of Encounter: In Langlade county Wisconsin West... continued

Good possible UFO photo taken by Unknowncountry reader.

October 10, 2012
This image was taken by an Unknowncountry reader near Bennington Vermont at about 7 in the evening. She did not see the objects at the time, and a second frame, shot a moment later, does not show them. They are... continued

Unusual object photographed by Curiosity’s Chem Cam

October 10, 2012
A small unknown object has been photographed on Mars by the Chemistry Camera's remote microimager. The assumption is that this is a shard of plastic from the lander itself. Whether it will be analyzed or not remains to be seen.... continued

Brian Vike reports huge UFO spike in Western Canada

October 7, 2012
Brian Vike of the Vike Factor reports that there is a significant spike in UFO sightings in British Columbia at this time. Some of these sightings are exceptionally detailed, and suggest an extensive presence in the area at this time. We are also... continued

UFO over British government offices

October 1, 2012
There is little question but that this object was hovering in the sky. It is not a bird or insect flashing past. It is not maneuvering like a plane or, for that matter, a surveillance drone. It's an unknown. The... continued

Out There Favorites: Stick-Figure Alien Footage

September 30, 2012
As you know, your oh-so-cynical Out There editor usually comes down on the side of hoaxes and mistakes of various kinds--especially when it comes to video of actual aliens. However, this is among my favorites, an amazing security-camera video of... continued

Fleet of UFOs filmed leaving the moon.

September 29, 2012
Unless this is an outright hoax, it shows unknown objects rising off the surface of the moon. It would be easy to hoax, unfortunately, but if it's real, it is an extraordinary catch. continued

UFO over Jacksonville, Texas in Google Street View

September 27, 2012
This is a pretty weird one. Apparently Google Street View captured a UFO image while recording the streets of Jacksonville, Texas. continued

Triangle UFO over Syria

September 26, 2012
These three night lights may be a group of UFOs in rough triangular formation, but there is no way to be sure given the fact that there is no detail. Local residents were shocked because of the lack of sound,... continued

Melboune sightings continue.

September 26, 2012
Australia has always been a hotspot for UFO sightings, and there are quite a few in and around Melbourne at present, and to this recent video, also from Melbourne. This video seems similar to the stills in the Melbourne story... continued