The Out There section collects stories about strange events from all over the internet.
Videos and some other stories are graded:
A–Probably true, B–Likely true, C–Likely false, D–Probably false.

Stories are researched by staff before posting and video evaluations are based on experienced observation and video analysis.

UFO flap in Myrtle Beach

September 10, 2012
There is quite a flap going on in Myrtle Beach, SC. From the description of the movements, there is little question that these are unknown objects. There are many videos of them. For a sample of one, click here. continued

UFO accidentally taped by rafters in Russia

September 8, 2012
This object probably is not a bird or an insect near the camera lens because it is moving in a very straight line and is not surrounded by the faint blur of wings generally seen in bird videos. It appears... continued

Boston UFO–eerie, but did it happen?

September 2, 2012
This could easily be a digitally produced hoax, and the lack of any other videos or news stories about what would seem to have been a very prominent event would suggest that this is the case. Also, the video is... continued

Magnificent–and authentic–crop formation

August 28, 2012
Now that farmers can hire circlmakers to decorate their fields for fun and PROFIT, more and more manmade formations are appearing. Some of them are even quite striking--from a distance. Up close, though, you find broken stems, no interweaving and... continued

Red streak speeds past International Space Station

August 28, 2012
This red streak shot by one of the the International Space Station's fixed cameras appears to be a meteor entering the earth's upper atmosphere, but if so, then it is fully alight at a very high altitude. It's an unusual... continued

Orange UFOs seem to be authentic unknowns.

August 26, 2012
There have been so many of these objects recently, I thought that I would post this digest of a number of the sightings. continued

UFO videorecorded from crop circle.

August 25, 2012
A UFO has been videotaped by witnesses from inside a crop formation at Avebury. This is one of the rare occasions when a UFO has actually been recorded near a crop formation. The famous 'Oliver's Castle Video' of a UFO... continued

Fastwalker captured on video during thunderstorm.

August 22, 2012
This object moves very quickly from left to right in the lower part of the frame. Its motion is too quick to be a balloon and too straight to be an insect or a bird. Probable unknown. (Note: One of... continued

The International Space Station and a UFO captured on video at the ECETI Ranch.

August 20, 2012
The ECETI Ranch in Trout Lake, Washington has been a hotbed of UFO sightings for years. Locals have tried hard to shut it down, but it's still going strong. continued

Interesting objects in the sky on Mars

August 17, 2012
This video has been made from a series of stills taken by Curiosity every few seconds. The stills were taken approximately every second or so, judging from the fact that the shadows and the sun do not move. If you... continued