The Out There section collects stories about strange events from all over the internet.
Videos and some other stories are graded:
A–Probably true, B–Likely true, C–Likely false, D–Probably false.

Stories are researched by staff before posting and video evaluations are based on experienced observation and video analysis.

Interesting UFO image captures from Australia

July 20, 2012
Your Out There editor's first impression of this capture was that it was a meteor swarm. But then I looked deeper into this YouTuber's page and found another video of something somewhat similar that is definitely NOT a meteor swarm. So... continued

Laredo UFO, authentic video, but is it ours?

July 19, 2012
This video, taken with an infrared camera, is almost certainly authentic. However, it could as easily be a classified aircraft as a UFO from another world. Its flight characteristics, however, suggest that it is not an aerodynamic object but is... continued

A UFO or a plasma or…what?

July 18, 2012
This video may be something ordinary that is being taped out of focus, but if so, what is it? Your Out There editor is stumped. continued

UFO photographed off Malta coast.

July 15, 2012
This hat-like UFO shape has been with us since the early 1950s. There is no reason to think that this photo is faked. continued

Extraordinary photo of object in China

July 12, 2012
This photo is not a lens effect, and as this is a multiple witness case, what is on the image was probably in the sky. But what is it? It appears to be a cloud, so is it some sort... continued

Flood of UFO images continues

July 9, 2012
This is just one example of dozens of similar UFO videos to appear over the past few weeks. There is a great deal of activity at present, so much that it has your Out There editor wondering just what is... continued

New pictures of Baltic underwater object.

July 9, 2012
These new pictures of the Baltic Object make it seem even more unusual. The object appears to be made of stone, and yet there is a field leading up to it suggesting that it slid or was dragged to its... continued

High Desert UFO activity continues.

July 9, 2012
San Bernadino County, California has been having extensive UFO sightings for months. Most of them have sounded like candle lantern sightings, but this report states that one or more of the objects appeared at altitude, meaning that it could not... continued

Gilliland taped predicting UFO, which then appears.

July 9, 2012
Thanks to the efforts of Leslie Kean and many others, the media is beginning to accept the idea that UFOs are genuine unknowns. Beyond that, though, is a much more difficult reality: the fact that contact is under way, and... continued

Pilot records video of unknown object near his plane.

July 9, 2012
This is a compelling video. Of course it's always possible that it is indeed Venus, but the movements described by these professional observers strongly suggests that this is a genuine unknown. continued