The Out There section collects stories about strange events from all over the internet.
Videos and some other stories are graded:
A–Probably true, B–Likely true, C–Likely false, D–Probably false.

Stories are researched by staff before posting and video evaluations are based on experienced observation and video analysis.

Illinois fisherman gets a photo of an unknown object

May 30, 2012
Obviously, if this object flew away at high speed, it's an unknown. continued

Blue orbs over Dulce, New Mexico

May 30, 2012
These blue lights appeared over Dulce, New Mexico last night. In UFO legend, Dulce is the site of an underground alien base. A number of cattle mutilations were recoded there in the 1970s. continued

Strange sounds associated with unusual lights over Hong Kong

May 30, 2012
This video from January of 2012 has just surface. It shows unidentified lights over Hong Kong at the same time that an unusual sound is being recorded. There is no reason to believe that the video is hoaxed. While the sounds... continued

This strange sound is from Florida. Recorded in March, just uploaded

May 26, 2012
This is a very typical sound, with its muted roaring hum. This is the first UFO related video ever uploaded by this user. continued

Strange Sound in Belgium

May 26, 2012
This one is very typical. There has been quite a rash of postings of these sounds in the past few days, after a period of relative quiet. This time, they are taking place at the same time that a worldwide... continued

Pulsing Sound in Virginia

May 26, 2012
This one could be a machine or perhaps sound reflected from a distant factory, but the fact that, despite its softness, the witness claims that it hurts his ears is unusual. continued

Another one, this a hum from Canada

May 26, 2012
The first part of this video records the sound of a low hum quite clearly. Then when the witness attempts to get shots of the glowing clouds involved, only wind noise can be heard. continued

Strange sounds are back–if they ever left.

May 26, 2012
It goes on and on. Mr. Strieber says this one reminds him of something he heard in Santa Monica in March. This was was recorded in Germany. continued

Kansas multiple witness lights, probable unknowns

May 25, 2012
This group of sightings in Kansas and Missouri qualify as unknowns. They join the worldwide UFO flap now in progress. continued

More footage from New Zealand. Quite interesting.

May 25, 2012
Another video from New Zealand, one of the world's many current hotspots. I have not given this to our video experts, but it would not be hard to fake. I am relying on the seeming sincerity of the poster. Mr.... continued