The Out There section collects stories about strange events from all over the internet.
Videos and some other stories are graded:
A–Probably true, B–Likely true, C–Likely false, D–Probably false.

Stories are researched by staff before posting and video evaluations are based on experienced observation and video analysis.

More orange lights, this time from Ontario

May 24, 2012
One of our video specialists, Steve Neill, picked this up off YouTube. These are moving in close formation, so they aren't balloons. More orange lights of unknown origin. continued

Multiple witness UFOs in Texas

May 24, 2012
This report from Whitley Strieber's hometown of San Antonio may or may not be a sighting of a large candle lantern or other sky illumination. The description of beams of light coming out of it and structure beneath the larger... continued

More UFOs in the Southeast. Activity heavy worldwide.

May 24, 2012
This description of large orange objects is typical of the reports that are coming in worldwide. Normally, orange lights in the night sky can be dismissed as candle lanterns, but in this case the objects were much too large and... continued

UFO over Reagan Airport in Washington

May 22, 2012
This interesting object was videoed over Reagan Airport in Washington, DC on the 16th. When it's zoomed in, it's clearly not a star or a plane. It's a good video, despite the idiotic commentary. continued

Object over Chicago NATO Conference

May 22, 2012
Given the fact that the car was moving in the opposite direction of this object, and it appears to be some distance away, it probably isn't a bird. It's over the area where the NATO Conference is being held. Are we looking,... continued

Group Sighting over Fresno. Lots of activity in California.

May 18, 2012
Add to the sightings of Whitley Strieber and others, and you could say that there was a bit of a flap taking place in California. No reason to doubt the authenticity of this video. continued

UFOs near moon? Video could be real.

May 17, 2012
These objects are hard to see, but look closely. This might well be an authentic video. continued

Strange Sounds are back, this time in Chicago

May 17, 2012
Certainly very strange, but I have to ask: he says that he was going up on his roof to get footage. But why? Does he do it every day? He doesn't explain. While this sound is indeed very weird, it's... continued

Strange object over Chicago

May 15, 2012
Is this a balloon covered with frost? If so, why does it remain aloft? This is a high strangeness video. continued

Object over Fresno with nonstandard lights

May 11, 2012
This object was taped last night over Fresno, California. It could be a plane, but the running lights are not in an FAA approved configuration, or don't appear to be. We got a rash of UFO reports from California in the... continued