The Out There section collects stories about strange events from all over the internet.
Videos and some other stories are graded:
A–Probably true, B–Likely true, C–Likely false, D–Probably false.

Stories are researched by staff before posting and video evaluations are based on experienced observation and video analysis.

April’s best UFOs. Some meteors, some fakes, but a LOT of good footage.

May 11, 2012
This is a good compendium of UFO footage from around the world that appeared in April. It starts with what is probably a meteor, but goes on to show a number of good shots. Some of these have already appeared on... continued

Odd sky phenomenon in Massachusetts

May 11, 2012
Obviously this is not a hoax and the witness is careful to state that she is seeing the phenomenon in the sky, that it is not a lens effect or a reflection from the car window. But what is it?... continued

Ultra weird entity vidoe from Mexico

May 10, 2012
This unusual security camera video seems to show an entity appearing in a burst of light in a shopping mall. It's strangely similar to the Japanese security camera video we posted on May 8th, in the way it enters and... continued

UFO abducts plane–new analysis of 2009 video.

May 9, 2012
This famous video has resurfaced in an image-stabilized format. In the original, it's much easier to see that the first object is a small plane, the second a disk. One question: why does the videographer know where to wait for... continued

Unknown blue light caught on security camera in Japan.

May 9, 2012
15 seconds in, a bright blue light very quickly appears and disappears on this video, shot with an automatic camera. No explanation, beyond the comment that it could be a CGI effect, but if so, it seems like a very strange... continued

Good triangle footage from France

May 9, 2012
Of course this nighttime triangle could be something ordinary, but if so it isn't displaying anything remotely like regulation lights, and over a large European city, that is hard to do these days without an immediate challenge from military aircraft--unless,... continued

Extreme Strangeness on Google Sky

May 8, 2012
Perhaps this is a technical glitch of some kind, but even so it's an unknown. If it is anything real, then it is very strange indeed. continued

Something flashes past a landing plane–WAY too close.

May 6, 2012
At 11 seconds in something that could be a large bird speeds past the wing of this landing plane. There appears to be a sound connected with it and passenger reaction. Is it a bird, though? The plane seems to... continued

Multicolored light in Lithuania

May 4, 2012
Normally, I would assume Venus, but the rapid color changes being displayed by this object mark it as an unknown. continued

Something odd captured by car video cam in Sydney

May 3, 2012
At exactly 2:08 in on this car video cam, something strange appears in the sky. It is a narrow vertical object looking nothing like a conventional UFO, but there is no easy way to explain it. Appears to be a... continued