The Out There section collects stories about strange events from all over the internet.
Videos and some other stories are graded:
A–Probably true, B–Likely true, C–Likely false, D–Probably false.

Stories are researched by staff before posting and video evaluations are based on experienced observation and video analysis.

Something odd captured by car video cam in Sydney

May 3, 2012
At exactly 2:08 in on this car video cam, something strange appears in the sky. It is a narrow vertical object looking nothing like a conventional UFO, but there is no easy way to explain it. Appears to be a... continued

Triangle lights filmed from plane over London

May 1, 2012
There is no reason to believe that this is a fake, but it could be made quite easily, some of the YouTube trolls have a point there. Still, it is also true that the Grays, in particular, are identified with... continued

Not a plane or a bird. Probable genuine unknown.

May 1, 2012
The object pictured here and discussed on the link is not a bird or a plane. Close examination shows that it has four narrow fins at one end, making it appear like a rocket. It is a genuine unknown, and... continued

Interesting video from Alabama

April 28, 2012
This is a pretty compelling video. The trees show that there were significant winds in the area, and yet the object is absolutely motionless in the sky. Therefore, it is not an aerodynamic object, but, unless this is a very... continued

Now even the general media is getting in on the strange solar phenomena.

April 27, 2012
A general media website has picked up on the latest strange object in the solar corona. Of course, they have no idea that this has been going on for years, or that there are even stranger videos, such as this... continued

Now even the general media is getting in on the strange solar phenomena.

April 27, 2012
A general media website has picked up on the latest strange object in the solar corona. Of course, they have no idea that this has been going on for years, or that there are even stranger videos, such as this... continued

Unknown lights over St. Petersburg, Russia are seen by thousands.

April 26, 2012
Thousands of witnesses observed these lights over St. Petersburg on April 9. This is a compilation of 4 videos. continued

UFO activity over the midwest.

April 26, 2012
UFO videos from Bloomfield and a suburb of Chicago in the past few days suggest a lot of activity in the midwest, which is also the center of a nationwide phenomenon of unexplained explosions being reported this week on Dreamland. The... continued

Hoaxer responsible for ‘men in black’ video to become UFO field investigator

April 24, 2012
Shane Sover, the man who claims responsibility for the Men-in-Black video hoax is to become a UFO field investigator in Canada. He has has a lifelong interest in UFOs and claims to have seen a UFO himself. How reliable his investigations will... continued

Oklahoma UFO videotaped by accident≥

April 24, 2012
This object isn't a plane or a bird, and it's moving too fast to be a balloon. It's an unknown racing across the skies of Oklahoma at low altitude. Just another of thousands recorded in our skies around the world... continued