The Out There section collects stories about strange events from all over the internet.
Videos and some other stories are graded:
A–Probably true, B–Likely true, C–Likely false, D–Probably false.

Stories are researched by staff before posting and video evaluations are based on experienced observation and video analysis.

What is with These Strange Mars Images??

October 4, 2016
Your Out There editor has been watching Mars imagery for years, combing through it and evaluating the various claims made about it. 99.9% of the claims of UFOs, old shoes, armadillos, turtles and so forth are nonsense. However, there are... continued

UK Police Video Tracks ‘Hot’ UFO

September 30, 2016
The British National Police Air Service has recorded a video on an infrared system that shows a UFO that is emitting heat but was invisible to air traffic control radars in the area. The video was recorded aboard a National... continued

That Incredible New Nessie Picture: Out There Thinks It could be Real

September 18, 2016
A recent photograph of something in Loch Ness that appears to have a head, a hump and a tail has generally dismissed as seals at play. And indeed, the head on the right bears some resemblance to the head of a... continued

Authentic Orb Video from England

September 16, 2016
The image below is from a video available here. The witness states that phenomena was observed for two nights, and on the second night, as he was filming three small orbs below cloud cover, his camera abruptly lost power, and... continued

Police Video an Apparent Cylinder UFO in the UK

September 16, 2016
The UFO pictured here from a frame grab was filmed by two off-duty police officers near Consett in Country Durham in the north of England. Gary Heseltine, editor of UFO Truth told the Sun newspaper that he believes the sighting to be... continued

Police Video an Apparent Cylinder UFO in the UK

September 16, 2016
The UFO pictured here from a frame grab was filmed by two off-duty police officers near Consett in Country Durham in the north of England. Gary Heseltine, editor of UFO Truth told the Sun newspaper that he believes the sighting to be... continued

Police Video an Apparent Cylinder UFO in the UK

September 16, 2016
The UFO pictured here from a frame grab was filmed by two off-duty police officers near Consett in Country Durham in the north of England. Gary Heseltine, editor of UFO Truth told the Sun newspaper that he believes the sighting to be... continued

Object Filmed in UK Likely Unknown

August 31, 2016
This object was observed and recorded by Chris Henry, the author of UFOs and Extraterrestrial Visitations in Ancient Cultures. It is becoming more and more common that people who take an active interest in the field end up as direct... continued

Did Rowan Blanchard of Girl Meets World Get a UFO Photo?

August 31, 2016
Actress Rowan Blanchard may have captured an image of a type of UFO in New York that was frequently observed and filmed in that region in the 1980s, and has more recently been photographed in Scotland and San Diego. However, we... continued

Another Mind-Bending Crop Formation…or NOT–or HOLD THE PHONE!!

August 13, 2016
Still very much in question, but Linda Moulton Howe will have a special report on this formation on Dreamland this weekend. Much to report! This formation, found on August 11, is coming into question. Creating it with any known technology would... continued