The Out There section collects stories about strange events from all over the internet.
Videos and some other stories are graded:
A–Probably true, B–Likely true, C–Likely false, D–Probably false.

Stories are researched by staff before posting and video evaluations are based on experienced observation and video analysis.

Strange Sounds: It’s not the sun

February 28, 2012
We continue to get reports of strange sounds in daily, and they continue to be posted on YouTube. The flood of hoaxes has died away as well, at least for the time being. Children have short attention spans, one would suppose. The... continued

Spectacular video, either real or a finely crafted hoax.

February 23, 2012
When your Out There editor took a look at this video, I assumed 'hoax.' But then I noticed that none of the usual easily identified signs of an amateur CGI job were present, so I was intrigued enough to send... continued

Mexico UFO, an authentic photograph.

February 23, 2012
This photo is likely authentic. It may reveal a falling meteor, but if so the trail is exceptionally regular. continued

The skinny on an alleged UFO hoaxer extraordinare.

February 22, 2012
We are reaching a point where nothing but nothing on the intnet is to be trusted. At the same time, many extraordinary and very real things--videos, witness accounts, etc., are being posted there. It's almost as if the hoaxers are there... continued

Objects over South Carolina. Interesting video

February 22, 2012
These objects function like birds or perhaps insects close to the camera, but they would have been easily identifiable as such by the videographer, and he appears to be sincere in his description of what he saw, so we are... continued

The ‘Strange Boxes’ Story Develops…

February 22, 2012
The online novel about 'strange boxes' on the Oregon coast that no professionals responsible for the beach could find now has a new chapter: alien life forms are being found in the water! Oh, yeah, they must have come out... continued

Huge UFO over Netherlands, same as Toronto

February 18, 2012
Our video experts continue to believe that this is a hoax. The reason is that this enormous object, which allegedly appeared over Toronto a few days ago, generated not a single news report in that city. Once again, the claim... continued

Mel’s Hole resurfaces. Still deep, still strange, still out there.

February 17, 2012
We're not taking bets on finding Mel's Hole around here, except, if it is found, odds are the Loch Ness Monster will emerge from it. One of tha all-time great Art Bell broadcasts remembered... continued

Mammoth videotaped in Russia–or maybe not…

February 17, 2012
This video of a bear carrying a large salmon is being promoted as proof that mammoths still roam Siberia. Your Out There editor's comment: I wish I'd caught that fabulous salmon! continued

Gigantic Toronto UFO Hoax

February 17, 2012
Simple CGI effect cut off when the animator got tired of rendering. Who would stop taping the most spectacular UFO in history just when it was reaching the buildings of a great city? With this, we institute a new part... continued