The Out There section collects stories about strange events from all over the internet.
Videos and some other stories are graded:
A–Probably true, B–Likely true, C–Likely false, D–Probably false.

Stories are researched by staff before posting and video evaluations are based on experienced observation and video analysis.

High flying orb above San Antonio, Texas

February 17, 2012
This could be a balloon at high altitude, but it could also be an unknown. The skin of balloons is usually very well defined and gleaming in bright sunlight. This object does not appear to be out of focus, so... continued

Many UFO sightings presently in the south of England

February 16, 2012
We are seeing quite a few UFO sighting reports from the south of England. This one could be a blimp, but if so it is using nonstandard and illegal running lights. continued

Something serpentine in the skies of China

February 11, 2012
Fortunately for them, the Chinese consider the dragon a omen of good fortune. Let's hope so, because if this thing ever lands, they could be in for a significant disappointment. Of course, it would be easy to do this in... continued

Unknown object slowly crosses the skies of Kathmandu

February 9, 2012
Never let it be said that the UFO phenomenon isn't worldwide. This could be a description of a contrail of a very high flying jet, but it seems to have been moving extremely slowly. continued

Strange sound heard in London

February 9, 2012
Strange sounds have been recorded worldwide, accompanied by an equally strange flood of hoaxes and hostile comments from apparent dummy YouTube accounts. Exactly what is going on is not clear, but the bottom line, as revealed by Linda Moulton Howe and... continued

Another fake ‘strange sounds’ video to add to the vast collection.

February 8, 2012
The strange sounds phenomenon is notable for three reasons: 1, it is a genuine mystery; 2, it has produced exceptional venom among people watching the videos; 3, there are an amazing number of hoaxes. Why so many people would be... continued

Another triangle, this time in Seattle

February 8, 2012
Triangles like the one videotaped here are often seen by witnesses in the hours before close encounters, and are seen in an area where such encounters take place. continued

Texas fireball now under investigation by the FAA

February 8, 2012
The fireball that crossed Texas and Oklahoma last week and was captured on a policeman's video is now under investigation by the FAA. Although it has been dismissed as a meteor, the fact that it had no glowing debris tail calls... continued

Six foot black cat videotaped in England.

February 8, 2012
This exceptional video of a six foot black cat made near Stroud in the UK leaves no doubt that such animals exist in that country. Its unusual gait suggests that it is not an ordinary panther, but possibly an indigenous... continued

California object appears to attract interest from planes

February 4, 2012
Later in this video, aircraft of some sort appear to take an interest in it. continued