The Out There section collects stories about strange events from all over the internet.
Videos and some other stories are graded:
A–Probably true, B–Likely true, C–Likely false, D–Probably false.

Stories are researched by staff before posting and video evaluations are based on experienced observation and video analysis.

‘Time stood still’ for UFO witnesses

January 27, 2012
Whitley Strieber sent me this report with the comment, "I often noticed this effect back at my old cabin when the visitors were around. The world became flooded with perfection and lightness. For example, the evening before my encounter of December 26,... continued

Chinese boy apparently has animal’s night vision. Ultra high strangeness story.

January 26, 2012
This is probably one of the strangest stories we have ever posted. The reason is that there is every indication, from night vision to blurred vision in daylight, that this child has tapetum lucidum in his eyes, the same material that... continued

Mini-Documentary of a UFO sighting by 2 boys in the UK

January 25, 2012
This nicely produced mini-documentary purportedly shows a video made by two boys at three o'clock in the morning from a window of their home. The boys are interviewed, and a view from the same window during the day reveals nothing... continued

Devon UFO too fast to be a candle lantern. Good photo.

January 24, 2012
This is a good photo of an object reported by the witness to be moving at high speed. continued

NASA says that this oddly shaped object is a reflection of Venus. Okay, that’s it, then.

January 21, 2012
We have no further comment about this, beyond saying that the poster is correct: it's up to the public to monitor things like NASA'S Stereo video output as long as we can.  continued

UFO over Sardinia

January 19, 2012
It would be easy to create objects like this using a computer, but to make the camera shake work so realistically would be harder. Odds are that this is a geunine video of objects in the sky. continued

Compendium of strange, trumpet-like sounds being heard worldwide

January 18, 2012
This is a good compendium of the strange sounds that have been heard in many places worldwide in recent weeks. The origin of these sounds is an unknown at this time, but the movement of fault lines have been known... continued

‘Nye Incidents’ Event in Sydney

January 18, 2012
This bizarre story is reminiscent of Whitley Strieber and Craig Spector's graphic novel, the Nye Incidents, and of the Todd Sees case of 2002. The Sees case involved a man who died mysteriously while out in the woods in Pennsylvania,... continued

The Mothman soars over Chicago??

January 18, 2012
Unknowncountry's video experts have not been able to find any evidence of trickery in this photograph. Of course, it could be a radio controlled model or some sort of exotic drone, but there appears to be no engine and no... continued

At first, this appears to be a contrail fragment. But watch what happens 40 seconds in.

January 18, 2012
For the first thirty five seconds, this appears to be an ordinary contrail fragment distorted by the wind or by aircraft manuever. But then at 40 seconds, something very strange happens that includes not only the transformation of the contrail... continued