The Out There section collects stories about strange events from all over the internet.
Videos and some other stories are graded:
A–Probably true, B–Likely true, C–Likely false, D–Probably false.

Stories are researched by staff before posting and video evaluations are based on experienced observation and video analysis.

UFOs photographed from two different locations in UK hotspot.

January 18, 2012
The south of England is becoming a UFO hotspot, and these photographs, if genuine, suggest that the wave that has been experienced there recently is still ongoing. continued

Radio controlled model? Drone? If it is either, where are the wings?

January 12, 2012
It's claimed that this object was taped above Area 51 in Nevada, but no proof is offered. If it is a radio controlled model, where is the lift coming from? A mysterious video. continued

A good example of an ultra-high strangeness unknown.

January 12, 2012
Because of the way the bulges keep withdrawing into the central core, this does not appear to be balloons. But what is it? This is a well made video of a real unknown, and a very, very strange one. continued

Dramatic increase in UFO activity.

January 11, 2012
Is it simply the idea of 2012 that has caused this dramatic upsurge in UFO activity, or is something really happening? One thing: we're about to find out. continued

Daylight object with flashing light taped in France

January 9, 2012
At first, this object could be identified as a small plane, but the configuration of the flashing light is wrong, even if the actual shape of the object is impossible to determine. Additionally, it cannot be a balloon becaue of... continued

UFO once again shuts down Chinese airport

January 9, 2012
The announcer in this broacast is explaining that the airport was closed down for thirty minutes while an unitentified object remained in the area of the field. Similar incidents took place in China and Norway in 2011. continued

Objects taped landing in French forest

January 5, 2012
The objects are pretty far away and difficult to make out, but they do not descend like planes and do not have the profile of helicopters. Too bad the witness didn't hike into those woods. Your Out There editor certainly would... continued

Pyramid Shaped UFO over Madeira

January 4, 2012
A remarkable video. Unless this is a kite, which is possible, this object fits with the other pyramid UFOs that have been observed in recent years, starting in 2010. continued

UFO or flying person? What can this be?

January 4, 2012
This is probably not a balloon, but what else could it be? Perhaps a Chinese inventor with a spectacular new personal flight system...or something very much stranger? continued

A UFO during a fireworks display?

January 3, 2012
At 2:14 a dark round object moves from left to right across this video of a dramatic fireworks display in Taiwan. It is present in all of the videos of the event that we've been sent. The object could be a balloon,... continued