The Out There section collects stories about strange events from all over the internet.
Videos and some other stories are graded:
A–Probably true, B–Likely true, C–Likely false, D–Probably false.

Stories are researched by staff before posting and video evaluations are based on experienced observation and video analysis.

Excellent nighttime video from Norway

November 19, 2011
To describe this formation as a 'triangle with drone' seems fanciful, because we don't know what it is, except that these are very clearly unknown objects in the sky over Norway. It is difficult to believe that the triangular pattern... continued

UFO photo from Argentine hotspot

November 19, 2011

UK photographer captures remarkable UFO images

November 19, 2011
The larger photograph was made by a professional using a 20 minute exposure, so the object was absolutely stationary during that time. He first saw the objects as unusual lights in the sky and trained his camera on them. continued

Solid documentary on the fascinating Antonio Urzi UFO case.

November 19, 2011
Because Antonio Urzi has shot so many clear UFO images, he is always held up to be a hoaxer. But this documentary takes a different view, and offers some compelling evidence to support the notion that his footage is authentic. continued

Clear daylight cylinder over Peru

November 18, 2011
The excitement of the children suggests that this is a genuine video. It is a classic cylinder, filmed and taped many times over the past 50 years, but never explained. continued

Interesting video from Sweden

November 18, 2011
This skywatcher has taped UFOs in his area before, but never one quite like this. It's an interesting image. Note the reaction of the dogs. continued

‘Alien in Fridge’–or is that a ‘slightly altered’ eggplant?

November 17, 2011
This one is likely to make the rounds of the internet pretty intensely. Is it an alien...or is it an eggplant or some similar vegetable? Whatever it is, it's hard to believe that the arm and hand shown could have... continued

Just to even the count: this one is almost certainly not faked.

November 17, 2011
This was posted at the beginning of this year, and has never been debunked. It is almost certainly a genuine video, and quite a good one. If you can, watch it full screen. The UFO appears shortly after the plane flies... continued

Cop gets smoked. Let’s hope this one is a fake!

November 17, 2011
This is almost certainly a fake. At the same time, if it actually happened, the video would have immediately been seized for national security reasons, so the only way it would ever surface publicly is somewhere like YouTube. Still, highly likely... continued

Daylight UFO flotilla over Japan

November 16, 2011
This flotilla of objects could be balloons, of course. They are typical of similar flotillas taped over Mexico in the 1990s, and it has never been clear exactly what they are. continued