The Out There section collects stories about strange events from all over the internet.
Videos and some other stories are graded:
A–Probably true, B–Likely true, C–Likely false, D–Probably false.

Stories are researched by staff before posting and video evaluations are based on experienced observation and video analysis.

Daylight UFO flotilla over Japan

November 16, 2011
This flotilla of objects could be balloons, of course. They are typical of similar flotillas taped over Mexico in the 1990s, and it has never been clear exactly what they are. continued

Daylight UFO over Victorville, California

November 16, 2011
Daylight UFOs are appearing somewhat more frequently in recent months. This group over Victorville California is typical. continued

UFO hovering over Berlin. Strange object, clear video

November 12, 2011
This bizarre object was taped over Berlin on November 10. It is unlike any other video we've ever seen, but displays no obvious evidence of tampering. continued

UFO hovering over Berlin. Strange object, clear video

November 12, 2011
This bizarre object was taped over Berlin on November 10. It is unlike any other video we've ever seen, but displays no obvious evidence of tampering. continued

Extraordinary Photos from China’s Area 51. What was this place, and what blew it up?

November 9, 2011
These photos are a real puzzle. We have verified that the most recent ones are definitely on Google Earth, but what has happened here is as much of a mystery as the site itself. It is located in the area... continued

PA orbs followed by silent aircraft.

November 8, 2011
Allison Kruse of Pittsburgh has taped what appear to be UFOs changing shape into apparent airplanes, but the videos are not definitive. After nights when close encounter experiences occurred at the Strieber cabin, he reported in Breakthrough that a high-flying... continued

A fighter pilot speaks out–and does he have a lot to say!

November 4, 2011
This certainly makes it seem as if UFO sightings are much more common among Air Force pilots than we have been led to believe. No surprise there! continued

Witnesses watch hovering object in upstate New York

November 4, 2011
This sighting took place in the general area of the Hudson Valley UFO sightings of the 1980s, and the location of Whitley Strieber's famous cabin. Could they be returning to the area? continued

Huge object videotaped over Missouri

November 3, 2011
The last few seconds of this video finally offer a good view of the object the witnesses are following, which proves to be an unusual group of lights reminiscent of some of the object described during the Hudson Valley UFO sightings... continued

Are aliens interested in football? More unknowns over a football game.

November 3, 2011
The lights that appear in this video appear to be almost completely stationary, some turning on and off like similar phenomena taped over Mexico in the 1990s. continued