The Out There section collects stories about strange events from all over the internet.
Videos and some other stories are graded:
A–Probably true, B–Likely true, C–Likely false, D–Probably false.

Stories are researched by staff before posting and video evaluations are based on experienced observation and video analysis.

Huge light darts across the sky in Oxford. Meteor? The witnesses didn’t think so.

October 20, 2011

Air Force has been watching UFOs for years, and now they’ve been caught out.

October 20, 2011
No surprise here. Of course they've been lying about UFOs for years. If they weren't interested, why did they send planes up during the Stephensville, Texas incident--planes that were tracked on radar chasing a UFO, just as the people on the... continued

:57 seconds in on this video, one truck hits a wall and becomes 2 trucks. How?

October 19, 2011
This video is from a surveillance camera in a tunnel in Europe (one which it might be a good idea to stay out of). At :57 seconds in, a very famous clip appears. A truck hits the wall and suddenly... continued

Orbs recorded over Missouri in HD

October 19, 2011
Of course this could be a CGI effect, but there is no way to tell and no evidence of hoax beyond the ease with which it could have been created. The third light that appears is a lens effect from the... continued

Man describes abduction aboard UFO that he had previously photographed

October 17, 2011
Some fairly good UFO photos are followed by an interview with the photographer who claims that he took them in 1988 after being taken aboard the UFO and then released. He claims that he was told that an asteroid would... continued

Colombia UFO reappearing nightlty, affecting TV reception.

October 15, 2011

More Kansas UFO reports.

October 12, 2011
More reports of unknowns in Kansas, but so far none of the video has been particularly convincing. The public comments on this story claim that they're all people flying ultralights at night and Chinese lanterns. Hopefully, with so many sightings,... continued

Daily Mail Calls Sea Gull a UFO

October 12, 2011
Ghost Theory did an excellent job on this one. Birds and lenticular clouds are commonly mistaken for unknown flying objects. continued

UFOs over Missouri

October 11, 2011
These are not lanterns. They appear to be classic UFOs, unless this is a CGI hoax. Unfortunately, there is no way to be certain, but the higher probability is that the video is authentic. continued

Pyramid UFOs Likely Fakes

October 10, 2011
Is this a balloon, a CGI effect, or something truly mysterious? Our experts have weighed in on this, and this comment sums up the opinion of those who have sent us replies: "They all have in common the fact that:... continued