The Out There section collects stories about strange events from all over the internet.
Videos and some other stories are graded:
A–Probably true, B–Likely true, C–Likely false, D–Probably false.

Stories are researched by staff before posting and video evaluations are based on experienced observation and video analysis.

More UFO activity over the UK

September 26, 2011
This story illustrates how poorly UFO activity is monitored and reported. It's a real failure that there is not a reliable international reporting system. continued

San Antonio, Texas man claims UFO video.

September 25, 2011
This video, at a stretch, could be a plane, but it really does look like something different. Taped over Whitley Strieber's home town. continued

Jerusalem UFO probably a hoax.

September 22, 2011
Sadly, it appears that the Jerusalem UFO that caused so much exciitement is just another hoax. Why do they bother? continued

A sighting in the Boston area. Did you see this, also?

September 22, 2011
This sighting report comes from a Boston area witness who observed the object described in Amherst, Mass. If you also saw this object, you can use the link to post a sighting report. "I've never looked into UFO websites but... continued

UFO beams light down on car in Australia

September 21, 2011
If this is indeed a UFO photo, it is a highly unusual one, in that it shows light beaming down from an object immediately above the car. continued

Shocked teen photographs UFOs in Wigan, UK

September 21, 2011
This is an interesting photograph. Daylight objects in an organized formation, very clear. Maybe something IS about to happen--at last. And none too soon. We need help around here--if this is help... continued

UFO sightings rose dramatically in August.

September 21, 2011
Yeah, it was because there were too many alien movies this summer. Except there were fewer than last summer. Yeah, it was because people are outside during the summer. Except UFO sightings don't normally peak in the summer months. They are... continued

Red Lights over Scotland, Croatia

September 21, 2011
From Scotland comes a report on Sept 19 that red lights were seen over Cairneyhill, and from Croatia 2 nights earlier that a similar phenomenon appeared in Rijeka. The Scottish report specifically states that they did not appear to be... continued

Man apparently escapes abduction attempt in Australia.

September 17, 2011
Was this what it seems? We'll never know, but judging from all the letters from Australia reporting close encounters that the Striebers have gotten over the years, this could well be an abduction attempt that went wrong, or seemed to. continued

NASA admits orbs videotaped near shuttle were unknowns

September 14, 2011
All of that video over the years, and not a word from NASA. Now they at least admit that these orbs are a genuine mystery. Thank you so much for a scrap of truth at last! continued