The Out There section collects stories about strange events from all over the internet.
Videos and some other stories are graded:
A–Probably true, B–Likely true, C–Likely false, D–Probably false.

Stories are researched by staff before posting and video evaluations are based on experienced observation and video analysis.

At the very end of this newscast, an unusual object speeds across the sky.

September 3, 2011
This could be a bird or some other known object, but it seems too large and too fast. (The object appears in the clip of the train station at the end of the video.) continued

Costa Rica sighting believed to be UFOs

September 3, 2011

This thing is going to cause a few UFO reports when it gets deployed!

September 3, 2011
We'll be watching for reports of UFOs that looked like they've eaten too many Big Macs... continued

More strange sounds, this time Illinois

September 3, 2011
As one of the comments on this video points out, these sounds could be the effect of the car passing over a resonant pavement. But they do bear a resemblance to other sounds recorded in Russian, posted here yesterday. continued

Multiple witness UFO videotaped over China

September 1, 2011
There are more and more UFO videos from China. This one does not show any signs of alteration or desktop creation, but it isn't clear enough to be described as a definitive UFO. continued

UFOs seen over huge UK crop formation.

September 1, 2011

Huge glowing sphere a mystery in Beijing

August 31, 2011
Another 'outlier' anomaly like the mysterious sounds being reported all over the world at present. This glow persisted for twenty minutes on the horizon in Beijing two night ago. Question is, what was it? The hypothesis repeated in the broadcast video... continued

Strange sounds from around the world. Very eerie stuff.

August 30, 2011
Unknowncountry has been getting reports of strange sounds from around the world for the past few months, from Russia, from Canada, from Florida. continued

UFO flotilla over New York City last night.

August 28, 2011
There is no reason to disbelieve this video, and it is indeed yet another UFO grouping, this time over New York City. These are really becoming so common that we have to wonder if they might not be leading to something... continued

More California UFO flotillas: 50 orbs over Bonita, CA

August 28, 2011
Yet more orbs seen over California. continued