The Out There section collects stories about strange events from all over the internet.
Videos and some other stories are graded:
A–Probably true, B–Likely true, C–Likely false, D–Probably false.

Stories are researched by staff before posting and video evaluations are based on experienced observation and video analysis.

Red UFO over Cyprus this time.

August 20, 2011
Today seems to be the day for repeat UFOs. First, a fleet appeared over Seoul all but identical to one seen over Carmichael California, and now a red-orange UFO appears over Cyprus that seems extremely similar to one over Illinois seen... continued

Fleet of objects cross Seoul, identical to California sighting.

August 20, 2011
This group of objects is extremely similar to objects videoed in Carmichael, California two days ago. They are equally difficult to explain, also. continued

UFOs at 40,000 feet, once in 2008, now repeated again.

August 20, 2011
This video shows an unusual cloud flashing past an airliner at altitude, moving extremely fast, then includes a clip of a similar object taped in China in 2008. Interesting, indeed. If UFOs are commonly cloaked to appear as clouds, they... continued

Ultra high strangeness over Carmichael, CA

August 19, 2011
Similar clusters of objects have been reported over Mexico and Poland in recent years. What they are is unknown. continued

Another UFO closes a Chinese airport

August 19, 2011
This seems to happen on a regular basis. Officials said it could have been a floating lantern or a balloon. Officially. continued

Red UFO similar to famous Gulf Breeze Fla object vdeoed in Illinois

August 19, 2011
An object strikingly similar to what appears here was taped for years over Gulf Breeze, Florida. Whitley and Anne Strieber witnessed it personally while in Gulf Breeze in 1998. continued

Kazakhstan UFO lingers over city.

August 19, 2011
This is probably a video of a real object. Apparently it remained stationary over the area for some time. We refer only to the first clip. The later clips have already appeared on Out There. continued

Kite-like object over Shanghai

August 19, 2011
This is may be a kite or some sort of advanced aircraft, perhaps an experimental Chinese jet. If it's a spy plane from another country, it's taking quite a chance to appear so openly over Chinese territory. continued

High strangeness over Mexico City–photographed with state-of-the-art equipment.

August 16, 2011
An OpenMinds TV crew photographs an unusual object over Mexico City. The photographs were taken with professional equipment and at a professional level of skill. They depict something that is defintley unusual, and that eventually disappears in a way that no... continued

Another UK broadcaster has a close encounter with a UFO

August 15, 2011
On August 3 we ran the story of a BBC reported who'd had a spectacular UFO encounter. Now another reporter has come forward to describe her own encounter a few days before in the same area. It's exciting that the news media... continued